Interface PubsubMessageOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
PubsubMessage, PubsubMessage.Builder

public interface PubsubMessageOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Attributes for this message.
    Attributes for this message.
    Attributes for this message.
    getAttributesOrDefault(String key, String defaultValue)
    Attributes for this message.
    Attributes for this message.
    The message data field.
    ID of this message, assigned by the server when the message is published.
    ID of this message, assigned by the server when the message is published.
    If non-empty, identifies related messages for which publish order should be respected.
    If non-empty, identifies related messages for which publish order should be respected.
    The time at which the message was published, populated by the server when it receives the `Publish` call.
    The time at which the message was published, populated by the server when it receives the `Publish` call.
    The time at which the message was published, populated by the server when it receives the `Publish` call.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • getData getData()
       The message data field. If this field is empty, the message must contain
       at least one attribute.
      bytes data = 1;
      The data.
    • getAttributesCount

      int getAttributesCount()
       Attributes for this message. If this field is empty, the message must
       contain non-empty data. This can be used to filter messages on the
      map<string, string> attributes = 2;
    • containsAttributes

      boolean containsAttributes(String key)
       Attributes for this message. If this field is empty, the message must
       contain non-empty data. This can be used to filter messages on the
      map<string, string> attributes = 2;
    • getAttributes

      @Deprecated Map<String,String> getAttributes()
      Use getAttributesMap() instead.
    • getAttributesMap

      Map<String,String> getAttributesMap()
       Attributes for this message. If this field is empty, the message must
       contain non-empty data. This can be used to filter messages on the
      map<string, string> attributes = 2;
    • getAttributesOrDefault

      String getAttributesOrDefault(String key, String defaultValue)
       Attributes for this message. If this field is empty, the message must
       contain non-empty data. This can be used to filter messages on the
      map<string, string> attributes = 2;
    • getAttributesOrThrow

      String getAttributesOrThrow(String key)
       Attributes for this message. If this field is empty, the message must
       contain non-empty data. This can be used to filter messages on the
      map<string, string> attributes = 2;
    • getMessageId

      String getMessageId()
       ID of this message, assigned by the server when the message is published.
       Guaranteed to be unique within the topic. This value may be read by a
       subscriber that receives a `PubsubMessage` via a `Pull` call or a push
       delivery. It must not be populated by the publisher in a `Publish` call.
      string message_id = 3;
      The messageId.
    • getMessageIdBytes getMessageIdBytes()
       ID of this message, assigned by the server when the message is published.
       Guaranteed to be unique within the topic. This value may be read by a
       subscriber that receives a `PubsubMessage` via a `Pull` call or a push
       delivery. It must not be populated by the publisher in a `Publish` call.
      string message_id = 3;
      The bytes for messageId.
    • hasPublishTime

      boolean hasPublishTime()
       The time at which the message was published, populated by the server when
       it receives the `Publish` call. It must not be populated by the
       publisher in a `Publish` call.
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp publish_time = 4;
      Whether the publishTime field is set.
    • getPublishTime getPublishTime()
       The time at which the message was published, populated by the server when
       it receives the `Publish` call. It must not be populated by the
       publisher in a `Publish` call.
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp publish_time = 4;
      The publishTime.
    • getPublishTimeOrBuilder getPublishTimeOrBuilder()
       The time at which the message was published, populated by the server when
       it receives the `Publish` call. It must not be populated by the
       publisher in a `Publish` call.
      .google.protobuf.Timestamp publish_time = 4;
    • getOrderingKey

      String getOrderingKey()
       If non-empty, identifies related messages for which publish order should be
       respected. If a `Subscription` has `enable_message_ordering` set to `true`,
       messages published with the same non-empty `ordering_key` value will be
       delivered to subscribers in the order in which they are received by the
       Pub/Sub system. All `PubsubMessage`s published in a given `PublishRequest`
       must specify the same `ordering_key` value.
       For more information, see [ordering
      string ordering_key = 5;
      The orderingKey.
    • getOrderingKeyBytes getOrderingKeyBytes()
       If non-empty, identifies related messages for which publish order should be
       respected. If a `Subscription` has `enable_message_ordering` set to `true`,
       messages published with the same non-empty `ordering_key` value will be
       delivered to subscribers in the order in which they are received by the
       Pub/Sub system. All `PubsubMessage`s published in a given `PublishRequest`
       must specify the same `ordering_key` value.
       For more information, see [ordering
      string ordering_key = 5;
      The bytes for orderingKey.