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accept(AnnotationValueVisitor<R, P>, P) - Method in class com.google.auto.common.SimpleTypeAnnotationValue
AnnotationMirrors - Class in com.google.auto.common
A utility class for working with AnnotationMirror instances.
annotations() - Method in interface com.google.auto.common.BasicAnnotationProcessor.ProcessingStep
The set of annotation types processed by this step.
annotations() - Method in interface com.google.auto.common.BasicAnnotationProcessor.Step
The set of fully-qualified annotation type names processed by this step.
AnnotationValues - Class in com.google.auto.common
A utility class for working with AnnotationValue instances.
asArray(TypeMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
Returns a ArrayType if the TypeMirror represents an array or throws an IllegalArgumentException.
asDeclared(TypeMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
Returns a DeclaredType if the TypeMirror represents a declared type such as a class, interface, union/compound, or enum or throws an IllegalArgumentException.
asElement(TypeMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
An alternate implementation of Types.asElement(javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror) that does not require a Types instance with the notable difference that it will throw IllegalArgumentException instead of returning null if the TypeMirror can not be converted to an Element.
asError(TypeMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
Returns a ExecutableType if the TypeMirror represents an executable type such as may result from missing code, or bad compiles or throws an IllegalArgumentException.
asExecutable(Element) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreElements
Returns the given Element instance as ExecutableElement.
asExecutable(TypeMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
Returns a ExecutableType if the TypeMirror represents an executable type such as a method, constructor, or initializer or throws an IllegalArgumentException.
asIntersection(TypeMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
Returns an IntersectionType if the TypeMirror represents an intersection-type or throws an IllegalArgumentException.
asMemberOf(Types, DeclaredType, VariableElement) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
Resolves a VariableElement parameter to a method or constructor based on the given container, or a member of a class.
asNoType(TypeMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
Returns a NoType if the TypeMirror represents an non-type such as void, or package, etc.
asNullType(TypeMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
Returns a NullType if the TypeMirror represents the null type or throws an IllegalArgumentException.
asPackage(Element) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreElements
Returns the given Element instance as PackageElement.
asPrimitiveType(TypeMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
Returns a PrimitiveType if the TypeMirror represents a primitive type or throws an IllegalArgumentException.
asStep(BasicAnnotationProcessor.ProcessingStep) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.BasicAnnotationProcessor
asType(Element) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreElements
Returns the given Element instance as TypeElement.
asTypeElement(TypeMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
asTypeElements(Iterable<? extends TypeMirror>) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
asTypeParameter(Element) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreElements
Returns the given Element instance as TypeParameterElement.
asTypeVariable(TypeMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
Returns a TypeVariable if the TypeMirror represents a type variable or throws an IllegalArgumentException.
asVariable(Element) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreElements
Returns the given Element instance as VariableElement.
asWildcard(TypeMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
Returns a WildcardType if the TypeMirror represents a wildcard type or throws an IllegalArgumentException.


BasicAnnotationProcessor - Class in com.google.auto.common
An abstract Processor implementation that defers processing of Elements to later rounds if they cannot be processed.
BasicAnnotationProcessor() - Constructor for class com.google.auto.common.BasicAnnotationProcessor
BasicAnnotationProcessor.ProcessingStep - Interface in com.google.auto.common
BasicAnnotationProcessor.Step - Interface in com.google.auto.common
The unit of processing logic that runs under the guarantee that all elements are complete and well-formed.


com.google.auto.common - package com.google.auto.common


DEFAULT - com.google.auto.common.Visibility


effectiveVisibilityOfElement(Element) - Static method in enum com.google.auto.common.Visibility
Returns effective visibility of the given element meaning that it takes into account the visibility of its enclosing elements.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.google.auto.common.SimpleAnnotationMirror
equivalence() - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationMirrors
Returns an Equivalence for AnnotationMirror as some implementations delegate equality tests to Object.equals(java.lang.Object) whereas the documentation explicitly states that instance/reference equality is not the proper test.
equivalence() - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns an Equivalence for AnnotationValue as annotation values may contain AnnotationMirror instances some of whose implementations delegate equality tests to Object.equals(java.lang.Object) whereas the documentation explicitly states that instance/reference equality is not the proper test.
equivalence() - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
Returns an Equivalence that can be used to compare types.


generatedAnnotation(Elements) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.GeneratedAnnotations
generatedAnnotation(Elements, SourceVersion) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.GeneratedAnnotations
Returns the element corresponding to the @Generated annotation present at the target SourceVersion.
GeneratedAnnotations - Class in com.google.auto.common
Utility methods for writing @Generated annotations.
generatedAnnotationSpec(Elements, Class<?>) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.GeneratedAnnotationSpecs
generatedAnnotationSpec(Elements, Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.GeneratedAnnotationSpecs
generatedAnnotationSpec(Elements, SourceVersion, Class<?>) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.GeneratedAnnotationSpecs
Returns @Generated("processorClass" for the target SourceVersion.
generatedAnnotationSpec(Elements, SourceVersion, Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.GeneratedAnnotationSpecs
Returns @Generated(value = "processorClass", comments = "comments" for the target SourceVersion.
GeneratedAnnotationSpecs - Class in com.google.auto.common
Utility methods for writing @Generated annotations using JavaPoet.
getAllMethods(TypeElement, Types, Elements) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreElements
Returns the set of all methods from type, including methods that it inherits from its ancestors.
getAnnotatedAnnotations(Element, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationMirrors
Returns all annotations that are present on the given Element which are themselves annotated with annotationType.
getAnnotationElementAndValue(AnnotationMirror, String) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationMirrors
Returns a ExecutableElement and its associated AnnotationValue if such an element was either declared in the usage represented by the provided AnnotationMirror, or if such an element was defined with a default.
getAnnotationMirror(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as an AnnotationMirror.
getAnnotationMirror(Element, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreElements
Returns an AnnotationMirror for the annotation of type annotationClass on element, or Optional.absent() if no such annotation exists.
getAnnotationMirrors(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a list of annotations.
getAnnotationType() - Method in class com.google.auto.common.SimpleAnnotationMirror
getAnnotationValue(AnnotationMirror, String) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationMirrors
Returns an AnnotationValue for the named element if such an element was either declared in the usage represented by the provided AnnotationMirror, or if such an element was defined with a default.
getAnnotationValues(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a list of AnnotationValues.
getAnnotationValuesWithDefaults(AnnotationMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationMirrors
Returns the AnnotationMirror's map of AnnotationValue indexed by ExecutableElement, supplying default values from the annotation if the annotation property has not been set.
getBoolean(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a boolean.
getBooleans(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a list of booleans.
getByte(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a byte.
getBytes(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a list of bytes.
getChar(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a char.
getChars(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a list of characters.
getDouble(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a double.
getDoubles(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a list of doubles.
getElementValues() - Method in class com.google.auto.common.SimpleAnnotationMirror
getEnum(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a VariableElement.
getEnums(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a list of enums.
getFloat(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a float.
getFloats(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a list of floats.
getInt(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as an int.
getInts(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a list of integers.
getLocalAndInheritedMethods(TypeElement, Elements) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreElements
The method MoreElements.getLocalAndInheritedMethods(TypeElement, Types, Elements) has better consistency between Java compilers.
getLocalAndInheritedMethods(TypeElement, Types, Elements) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreElements
Returns the set of all non-private, non-static methods from type, including methods that it inherits from its ancestors.
getLong(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a long.
getLongs(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a list of longs.
getPackage(Element) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreElements
An alternate implementation of Elements.getPackageOf(javax.lang.model.element.Element) that does not require an Elements instance.
getShort(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a short.
getShorts(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a list of shorts.
getString(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a string.
getStrings(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a list of strings.
getSupportedAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.google.auto.common.BasicAnnotationProcessor
Returns the set of supported annotation types as collected from registered processing steps.
getTypeMirror(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a class.
getTypeMirrors(AnnotationValue) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.AnnotationValues
Returns the value as a list of classes.
getValue() - Method in class com.google.auto.common.SimpleTypeAnnotationValue


hashCode() - Method in class com.google.auto.common.SimpleAnnotationMirror
hasModifiers(Set<Modifier>) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreElements
Returns a Predicate that can be used to filter elements by Modifier.
hasModifiers(Modifier...) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreElements
Returns a Predicate that can be used to filter elements by Modifier.


init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class com.google.auto.common.BasicAnnotationProcessor
initSteps() - Method in class com.google.auto.common.BasicAnnotationProcessor
isAnnotationPresent(Element, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreElements
Returns true iff the given element has an AnnotationMirror whose annotation type has the same canonical name as that of annotationClass.
isConversionFromObjectUnchecked(TypeMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
Returns true if casting Object to the given type will elicit an unchecked warning from the compiler.
isType(Element) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreElements
Returns true if the given Element instance is a TypeElement.
isType(TypeMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
Returns true if the raw type underlying the given TypeMirror represents a type that can be referenced by a Class.
isTypeOf(Class<?>, TypeMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
Returns true if the raw type underlying the given TypeMirror represents the same raw type as the given Class and throws an IllegalArgumentException if the TypeMirror does not represent a type that can be referenced by a Class


MoreElements - Class in com.google.auto.common
Static utility methods pertaining to Element instances.
MoreTypes - Class in com.google.auto.common
Utilities related to TypeMirror instances.


nonObjectSuperclass(Types, Elements, DeclaredType) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
Returns the superclass of type, with any type parameters bound by type, or Optional.absent() if type is an interface or Object or its superclass is Object.


of(TypeElement) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.SimpleAnnotationMirror
An object representing an annotation instance.
of(TypeElement, Map<String, ? extends AnnotationValue>) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.SimpleAnnotationMirror
An object representing an annotation instance.
of(TypeMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.SimpleTypeAnnotationValue
An object representing an annotation value instance.
ofElement(Element) - Static method in enum com.google.auto.common.Visibility
Returns the visibility of the given Element.
overrides(ExecutableElement, ExecutableElement, TypeElement, Types) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreElements
Tests whether one method, as a member of a given type, overrides another method.


postProcess() - Method in class com.google.auto.common.BasicAnnotationProcessor
postRound(RoundEnvironment) - Method in class com.google.auto.common.BasicAnnotationProcessor
An optional hook for logic to be executed at the end of each round.
PRIVATE - com.google.auto.common.Visibility
process(ImmutableSetMultimap<String, Element>) - Method in interface com.google.auto.common.BasicAnnotationProcessor.Step
The implementation of processing logic for the step.
process(SetMultimap<Class<? extends Annotation>, Element>) - Method in interface com.google.auto.common.BasicAnnotationProcessor.ProcessingStep
The implementation of processing logic for the step.
process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class com.google.auto.common.BasicAnnotationProcessor
PROTECTED - com.google.auto.common.Visibility
PUBLIC - com.google.auto.common.Visibility


referencedTypes(TypeMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes
Returns the set of types that are referenced by the given TypeMirror.


SimpleAnnotationMirror - Class in com.google.auto.common
A simple implementation of the AnnotationMirror interface.
SimpleTypeAnnotationValue - Class in com.google.auto.common
A simple implementation of the AnnotationValue interface for a class literal, e.g.
steps() - Method in class com.google.auto.common.BasicAnnotationProcessor
Creates processing steps for this processor.
SuperficialValidation - Class in com.google.auto.common
A utility class that traverses Element instances and ensures that all type information is present and resolvable.


toString() - Method in class com.google.auto.common.SimpleAnnotationMirror
toString() - Method in class com.google.auto.common.SimpleTypeAnnotationValue


validateElement(Element) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.SuperficialValidation
Returns true if all types referenced by the given element are defined.
validateElements(Iterable<? extends Element>) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.SuperficialValidation
Returns true if all of the given elements return true from SuperficialValidation.validateElement(Element).
validateType(TypeMirror) - Static method in class com.google.auto.common.SuperficialValidation
Returns true if the given type is fully defined.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.google.auto.common.Visibility
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.google.auto.common.Visibility
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Visibility - Enum in com.google.auto.common
Represents the visibility of a given Element: public, protected, private or default/package-private.
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