Class BigtableTableAdminSettings


public final class BigtableTableAdminSettings extends Object
Settings class to configure an instance of BigtableTableAdminClient.

It must be configured with a project ID and instance ID.

Example usage:

 BigtableTableAdminSettings.Builder tableAdminSettingsBuilder = BigtableTableAdminSettings.newBuilder()


 BigtableTableAdminSettings tableAdminSettings =;
  • Method Details

    • getProjectId

      public String getProjectId()
      Gets the project ID of instance whose tables the client will manage.
    • getInstanceId

      public String getInstanceId()
      Gets the instance ID whose tables the client will manage.
    • getCredentialsProvider

      public getCredentialsProvider()
      Gets the credentials provider to use for getting the credentials to make calls with.
    • getStubSettings

      public BigtableTableAdminStubSettings getStubSettings()
      Gets the underlying RPC settings.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • toBuilder

      Returns a builder containing all the values of this settings class.
    • newBuilder

      public static BigtableTableAdminSettings.Builder newBuilder()
      Returns a new builder for this class.

      If emulator configuration provided in BIGTABLE_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable then it creates a builder preconfigured to connect to Bigtable using emulator hostname and port number.

    • newBuilderForEmulator

      public static BigtableTableAdminSettings.Builder newBuilderForEmulator(int port)
      Create a new builder preconfigured to connect to the Bigtable emulator with port number.
    • newBuilderForEmulator

      public static BigtableTableAdminSettings.Builder newBuilderForEmulator(String hostname, int port)
      Creates a new builder preconfigured to connect to the Bigtable emulator with host name and port number.