All Classes and Interfaces

Representation of an AddToCell mod in a data change.
An application profile, or app profile, stores settings that tell your Cloud Bigtable instance how to handle incoming requests from an application.
Represents the options for isolating this app profile's traffic from other use cases.
A AppProfile.RoutingPolicy that tells Cloud Bigtable that it can route each request to any available cluster.
The possible priorities for an app profile.
Represents the routing for read/write requests.
A AppProfile.RoutingPolicy that routes all requests to a specific cluster.
A standard AppProfile.IsolationPolicy for isolating this app profile's traffic from other use cases.
A class that wraps the AuthorizedView protocol buffer object.
Represents a subset of a Table.
An implementation of a TargetId for authorized views.
A backup lets you save a copy of a table's schema and data and restore the backup to a new table at a later time.
This settings holds the batching thresholds as well as retry configuration.
A base builder class for BigtableBatchingCallSettings.
This settings holds the batching thresholds as well as retry configuration for bulk read API.
Client for reading from and writing to existing Bigtable tables.
A factory to create multiple BigtableDataClient instances that all share the same channel pool.
Settings class to configure an instance of BigtableDataClient.
Builder for BigtableDataSettings.
Client for creating, configuring and deleting Cloud Bigtable instances, app profiles, and clusters.
Settings class to configure an instance of BigtableInstanceAdminClient.
Builder for BigtableInstanceAdminSettings.
Settings class to configure an instance of BigtableInstanceAdminStub.
Builder for BigtableInstanceAdminStubSettings.
Client for creating, configuring, and deleting Cloud Bigtable tables
Settings class to configure an instance of BigtableTableAdminClient.
Builder for BigtableTableAdminSettings.
Settings class to configure an instance of BigtableTableAdminStub.
Builder for BigtableTableAdminStubSettings.
Represents a list of mutations for multiple rows.
A simple wrapper for StreamContinuationToken.
A ChangeStreamMutation represents a list of mods(represented by List<Entry>) targeted at a single row, which is concatenated by ChangeStreamRecordMerger.
Default representation of a change stream record, which can be a Heartbeat, a CloseStream, or a logical mutation.
An extension point that allows end users to plug in a custom implementation of logical change stream records.
A SAX style change stream record factory.
An implementation of a Reframer that feeds the change stream record merging ChangeStreamStateMachine.
A ServerStreamingCallable that consumes ReadChangeStreamResponses and produces change stream records.
A cluster represents the actual Cloud Bigtable service.
Model class to create an autoscaling config for creating or updating a cluster.
Wrapper for ColumnFamily protocol buffer object
Mutates a row atomically based on the output of a condition filter.
Build CopyBackupRequest for CopyBackupRequest.
Parameters for creating a new Cloud Bigtable app profile.
Parameters for creating a new Cloud Bigtable AuthorizedView, which represents subsets of a particular table.
Fluent wrapper for CreateBackupRequest
Parameters for creating a new Bigtable cluster.
Parameters for creating a new Bigtable Instance.
Fluent wrapper for CreateTableRequest
Default implementation of a ChangeStreamRecordAdapter that uses ChangeStreamRecords to represent change stream records.
Default implementation of a RowAdapter that uses Rows to represent logical rows.
Representation of a DeleteCells mod in a data change.
Representation of a DeleteFamily mod in a data change.
Encryption information for a given resource.
Settings class to configure an instance of EnhancedBigtableStub.
Builder for BigtableDataSettings.
Default representation of a mod in a data change, which can be a DeleteFamily, a DeleteCells, or a SetCell This class will be used by ChangeStreamMutation to represent a list of mods in a logical change stream mutation.
Represents subsets of a particular column family that are included in this authorized view.
A Fluent DSL to create a hierarchy of filters for the CheckAndMutateRow RPCs and ReadRows Query.
DSL for adding filters to a chain.
DSL for configuring a conditional filter.
DSL for adding filters to the interleave list.
Matches only cells from columns within the given range.
Matches only cells with microsecond timestamps within the given range.
Matches only cells with values that fall within the given value range.
Wraps GcRule protocol buffer object and exposes a friendly API.
Wrapper for building a empty rule
Wrapper for building max duration rule
interface for fluent GcRule wrappers
Fluent wrapper for GcRule.Intersection rule.
Fluent wrapper for GcRule.Union rule.
Wrapper for building max versions rule
Simple wrapper for GenerateInitialChangeStreamPartitions to wrap the request and response protobufs.
Represents an existing Cloud Bigtable instance.
Represents the offset of a row key in a table.
Fluent wrapper for ModifyColumnFamiliesRequest
This callable converts partial batch failures into an exception.
Thrown by the MutateRows when at least one Mutation failed.
Identifies which mutation failed and the reason it failed.
The concrete implementation of MutationApi that can be used to create and represent a list of mutations.
The API for creating mutations for a single row.
OptimizeRestoredTableOperationToken is a wrapper for the name of OptimizeRestoredTable operation.
Exception thrown when some zones are unavailable and listClusters is unable to return a full cluster list.
Exception thrown when some zones are unavailable and listInstances is unable to return a full instance list.
A simple wrapper to construct a query for the ReadRows RPC.
A Query Paginator that will split a query into small chunks.
Range<T,R extends Range<T,R>>
Range API.
Concrete Range for ByteStrings
Concrete Range for timestamps
A simple wrapper to construct a query for the ReadChangeStream RPC.
An implementation of a StreamResumptionStrategy for change stream records.
A ServerStreamingCallable that converts a ReadChangeStreamQuery to a ReadChangeStreamRequest.
A RestoredTableResult holds the restored table object and the OptimizeRestoredTableOperationToken object (if any).
Fluent wrapper for RestoreTableRequest
Default representation of a logical row.
An extension point that allows end users to plug in a custom implementation of logical rows.
A SAX style row factory.
Default representation of a cell in a Row.
Represents a list of mutations targeted at a single row.
Represents a list of mutations targeted at a single row.
Base implementation of ResponseObserver that checks the state and catches all the throwables.
Representation of a SetCell mod in a data change, whose value is concatenated by ChangeStreamRecordMerger in case of SetCell value chunking.
The `Status` type defines a logical error model.
Storage media types for persisting Bigtable data.
Defines a simple authorized view that is a subset of the underlying Table.
Wrapper for Table protocol buffer object
An implementation of a TargetId for tables.
TargetId defines the scope a data operation can be applied to.
Wrapper class for the Type protobuf message.
A value that combines incremental updates into a summarized value.
Represents a string of bytes with a specific encoding.
Represents a 64-bit integer with a specific encoding.
This type is a marker type that allows types to be used as the input to the SUM aggregate function.
Parameters for updating an existing Cloud Bigtable app profile.
Parameters for updating an existing Cloud Bigtable AuthorizedView.
Fluent wrapper for UpdateBackupRequest
Parameters for updating an existing Bigtable instance.
Wrapper for UpdateTableRequest
Wrapper class for the Value protobuf message.