Class BigtableDataSettings


public final class BigtableDataSettings extends Object
Settings class to configure an instance of BigtableDataClient.

Sane defaults are provided for most settings:

  • The default service address ( and default port (443) are used.
  • The transport provider is configured with a channel pool that contains twice as many connections as CPUs.
  • Credentials are acquired automatically through Application Default Credentials.
  • Retries are configured for idempotent methods but not for non-idempotent methods.

The only required setting is the instance name.

The builder of this class is recursive, so contained classes are themselves builders. When build() is called, the tree of builders is called to create the complete settings object.

 BigtableDataSettings.Builder settingsBuilder = BigtableDataSettings.newBuilder()

 BigtableDataSettings settings =;

For fine grained control of individual RPCs, please refer to EnhancedBigtableStubSettings, which is exposed as BigtableDataSettings.Builder.stubSettings().

  • Method Details

    • newBuilder

      public static BigtableDataSettings.Builder newBuilder()
      Create a new builder.

      If emulator configuration provided in BIGTABLE_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable then it creates a builder preconfigured to connect to Bigtable using emulator hostname and port number.

    • newBuilderForEmulator

      public static BigtableDataSettings.Builder newBuilderForEmulator(int port)
      Create a new builder preconfigured to connect to the Bigtable emulator with port number.
    • newBuilderForEmulator

      public static BigtableDataSettings.Builder newBuilderForEmulator(String hostname, int port)
      Creates a new builder preconfigured to connect to the Bigtable emulator with a host name and port number.
    • enableOpenCensusStats

      @BetaApi("OpenCensus stats integration is currently unstable and may change in the future") public static void enableOpenCensusStats()
      Enables OpenCensus metric aggregations.

      This will register Bigtable client relevant Views. When coupled with an exporter, it allows users to monitor client behavior.

      Please note that in addition to calling this method, the application must:

      • Include openensus-impl dependency on the classpath
      • Configure an exporter like opencensus-exporter-stats-stackdriver

      Example usage for maven:

    • enableGfeOpenCensusStats

      @BetaApi("OpenCensus stats integration is currently unstable and may change in the future") public static void enableGfeOpenCensusStats()
      Enables OpenCensus GFE metric aggregations.

      This will register views for gfe_latency and gfe_header_missing_count metrics.

      gfe_latency measures the latency between Google's network receives an RPC and reads back the first byte of the response. gfe_header_missing_count is a counter of the number of RPC responses received without the server-timing header.

    • enableBuiltinMetrics

      @Deprecated public static void enableBuiltinMetrics() throws IOException
      This is a no-op that doesn't do anything. Builtin metrics are enabled by default now. Please refer to BigtableDataSettings.Builder.setMetricsProvider(MetricsProvider) on how to enable or disable built-in metrics.
      Register built in metrics.
    • enableBuiltinMetrics

      @Deprecated public static void enableBuiltinMetrics( credentials) throws IOException
      This is a no-op that doesn't do anything. Builtin metrics are enabled by default now. Please refer BigtableDataSettings.Builder.setMetricsProvider(MetricsProvider) on how to enable or disable built-in metrics.
      Register built in metrics with credentials. The credentials need to have metric write access for all the projects you're publishing to.
    • getMetricsCredentials

      @InternalApi public static getMetricsCredentials()
      Get the metrics credentials if it's set by enableBuiltinMetrics(Credentials).
    • getProjectId

      public String getProjectId()
      Returns the target project id.
    • getInstanceId

      public String getInstanceId()
      Returns the target instance id.
    • getAppProfileId

      public String getAppProfileId()
      Returns the configured AppProfile id to use.
    • isRefreshingChannel

      @Deprecated public boolean isRefreshingChannel()
      Channel refreshing is enabled by default and this method will be deprecated.
      Gets if channels will gracefully refresh connections to Cloud Bigtable service
    • getPrimingTableIds

      @Deprecated public List<String> getPrimingTableIds()
      This field is ignored. If isRefreshingChannel() is enabled, warm up requests will be sent to all table ids of the instance.
    • isLatencyBasedThrottlingForBatchMutationsEnabled

      @BetaApi("Latency based throttling is not currently stable and may change in the future") public boolean isLatencyBasedThrottlingForBatchMutationsEnabled()
      Gets if latency based throttling is enabled for BigtableDataClient.newBulkMutationBatcher(String)
    • getBatchMutationsTargetRpcLatencyMs

      @BetaApi("Latency based throttling is not currently stable and may change in the future") @Nullable public Long getBatchMutationsTargetRpcLatencyMs()
      Gets target bulk mutation rpc latency if latency based throttling is enabled for BigtableDataClient.newBulkMutationBatcher(String). Otherwise returns null.
    • isBulkMutationFlowControlEnabled

      @InternalApi("Intended for use by the Bigtable dataflow connectors only") public boolean isBulkMutationFlowControlEnabled()
      Gets if flow control is enabled for BigtableDataClient.newBulkMutationBatcher(String) based on the load of the Bigtable server.
    • getMetricsProvider

      public getMetricsProvider()
      Gets the MetricsProvider. *
    • getStubSettings

      public EnhancedBigtableStubSettings getStubSettings()
      Returns the underlying RPC settings.
    • readRowSettings

      public<Query,Row> readRowSettings()
      Returns the object with the settings used for point reads via ReadRow.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • toBuilder

      public BigtableDataSettings.Builder toBuilder()
      Returns a builder containing all the values of this settings class.