Interface AckReplyConsumerWithResponse

All Known Implementing Classes:

@BetaApi("This is a preview feature. For more details, see") public interface AckReplyConsumerWithResponse
Acknowledging a message in Pub/Sub means that you are done with it, and it will not be delivered to this subscription again. You should avoid acknowledging messages until you have *finished* processing them, so that in the event of a failure, you receive the message again.

If exactly-once delivery is enabled on the subscription, the future returned by the ack/nack methods track the state of acknowledgement operation by the server. If the future completes successfully, the message is guaranteed NOT to be re-delivered. Otherwise, the future will contain an exception with more details about the failure and the message may be re-delivered.

If exactly-once delivery is NOT enabled on the subscription, the future returns immediately with an AckResponse.SUCCESS. Because re-deliveries are possible, you should ensure that your processing code is idempotent, as you may receive any given message more than once.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Acknowledges that the message has been successfully processed.<AckResponse>
    Signals that the message has not been successfully processed.
  • Method Details

    • ack<AckResponse> ack()
      Acknowledges that the message has been successfully processed. The service will not send the message again.

      A future representing the server response is returned

    • nack<AckResponse> nack()
      Signals that the message has not been successfully processed. The service should resend the message.

      A future representing the server response is returned