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Assisted - Annotation Type in dagger.assisted
Annotates a parameter within an AssistedInject-annotated constructor.
AssistedFactory - Annotation Type in dagger.assisted
Annotates an abstract class or interface used to create an instance of a type via an AssistedInject constructor.
AssistedInject - Annotation Type in dagger.assisted
Annotates the constuctor of a type that will be created via assisted injection.


Binds - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates abstract methods of a Module that delegate bindings.
BindsInstance - Annotation Type in dagger
Marks a method on a component builder or a parameter on a component factory as binding an instance to some key within the component.
BindsOptionalOf - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates methods that declare bindings for Optional containers of values from bindings that may or may not be present in the component.


ClassKey - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
A MapKey annotation for maps with Class<?> keys.
Component - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates an interface or abstract class for which a fully-formed, dependency-injected implementation is to be generated from a set of Component.modules().
Component.Builder - Annotation Type in dagger
A builder for a component.
Component.Factory - Annotation Type in dagger
A factory for a component.


dagger - package dagger
This package contains the public API for the Dagger 2 dependency injection framework.
dagger.assisted - package dagger.assisted
This package contains the API for Dagger's assisted injection.
dagger.multibindings - package dagger.multibindings
This package contains the API by which Dagger allows you to bind several objects into a collection that can be injected without depending directly on each of the individual bindings.
dependencies() - Method in annotation type dagger.Component
A list of types that are to be used as component dependencies.


ElementsIntoSet - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
The method's return type is Set<T> and all values are contributed to the set.


get() - Method in interface dagger.Lazy
Return the underlying value, computing the value if necessary.


includes() - Method in annotation type dagger.Module
Additional @Module-annotated classes from which this module is composed.
injectMembers(T) - Method in interface dagger.MembersInjector
Injects dependencies into the fields and methods of instance.
IntKey - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
A MapKey annotation for maps with int keys.
IntoMap - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
The method's return type forms the type argument for the value of a Map<K, Provider<V>>, and the combination of the annotated key and the returned value is contributed to the map as a key/value pair.
IntoSet - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
The method's return type forms the generic type argument of a Set<T>, and the returned value is contributed to the set.


Lazy<T> - Interface in dagger
A handle to a lazily-computed value.
LongKey - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
A MapKey annotation for maps with long keys.


MapKey - Annotation Type in dagger
Identifies annotation types that are used to associate keys with values returned by provider methods in order to compose a map.
MembersInjector<T> - Interface in dagger
Injects dependencies into the fields and methods on instances of type T.
Module - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates a class that contributes to the object graph.
modules() - Method in annotation type dagger.Component
A list of classes annotated with Module whose bindings are used to generate the component implementation.
modules() - Method in annotation type dagger.Subcomponent
A list of classes annotated with Module whose bindings are used to generate the subcomponent implementation.
Multibinds - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
Annotates abstract module methods that declare multibindings.


Provides - Annotation Type in dagger
Annotates methods of a module to create a provider method binding.


Reusable - Annotation Type in dagger
A scope that indicates that the object returned by a binding may be (but might not be) reused.


StringKey - Annotation Type in dagger.multibindings
A MapKey annotation for maps with String keys.
Subcomponent - Annotation Type in dagger
A subcomponent that inherits the bindings from a parent Component or Subcomponent.
Subcomponent.Builder - Annotation Type in dagger
A builder for a subcomponent.
Subcomponent.Factory - Annotation Type in dagger
A factory for a subcomponent.
subcomponents() - Method in annotation type dagger.Module
Any Subcomponent- or @ProductionSubcomponent-annotated classes which should be children of the component in which this module is installed.


unwrapValue() - Method in annotation type dagger.MapKey
True to use the value of the single member of the annotated annotation as the map key; false to use the annotation instance as the map key.


value() - Method in annotation type dagger.assisted.Assisted
Returns an identifier for an Assisted parameter.
value() - Method in annotation type dagger.multibindings.ClassKey
value() - Method in annotation type dagger.multibindings.IntKey
value() - Method in annotation type dagger.multibindings.LongKey
value() - Method in annotation type dagger.multibindings.StringKey
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