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alias() - Method in annotation type dagger.hilt.internal.aliasof.AliasOfPropagatedData
AliasOf - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt.migration
Defines an alias between an existing Hilt scope and the annotated scope.
AliasOfPropagatedData - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt.internal.aliasof
An annotation used to aggregate AliasOf values in a common location.


builder() - Method in annotation type dagger.hilt.internal.definecomponent.DefineComponentClasses
Returns the fully qualified name of the DefineComponent.Builder type, or an empty string if it wasn't given.


component() - Method in annotation type dagger.hilt.internal.definecomponent.DefineComponentClasses
Returns the fully qualified name of the DefineComponent type, or an empty string if it wasn't given.


dagger.hilt - package dagger.hilt
This package contains the core APIs for Hilt.
dagger.hilt.codegen - package dagger.hilt.codegen
This package contains APIs for code generators that produce code that will be processed by Hilt.
dagger.hilt.components - package dagger.hilt.components
This package contains Hilt's built-in Components.
dagger.hilt.internal.aliasof - package dagger.hilt.internal.aliasof
dagger.hilt.internal.definecomponent - package dagger.hilt.internal.definecomponent
dagger.hilt.internal.generatesrootinput - package dagger.hilt.internal.generatesrootinput
dagger.hilt.migration - package dagger.hilt.migration
This package contains APIs to help migrating a codebase to Hilt.
DefineComponent - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt
Defines a Hilt component.
DefineComponent.Builder - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt
Defines a builder for a Hilt component.
DefineComponentClasses - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt.internal.definecomponent
An annotation used to aggregate DefineComponent types in a common location.
DefineComponentNoParent - Class in dagger.hilt.internal.definecomponent
A class used by DefineComponent#parent() as the default type when no parent is given.
defineComponentScopes() - Method in annotation type dagger.hilt.internal.aliasof.AliasOfPropagatedData
DisableInstallInCheck - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt.migration
Marks a Module-annotated class to allow it to have no InstallIn annotation.


EntryPoint - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt
Annotation for marking an interface as an entry point into a generated component.
EntryPoints - Class in dagger.hilt
Static utility methods for accessing objects through entry points.


GeneratesRootInput - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt
For annotating annotations that generate input for the GenerateComponents.
GeneratesRootInputPropagatedData - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt.internal.generatesrootinput
An annotation used to aggregate GeneratesRootInput types in a common location.
get(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class dagger.hilt.EntryPoints
Returns the entry point interface given a component or component manager.


InstallIn - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt
An annotation that declares which component(s) the annotated class should be included in when Hilt generates the components.


OriginatingElement - Annotation Type in dagger.hilt.codegen
An annotation used to specify the originating element that triggered the code generation of a type.


parent() - Method in annotation type dagger.hilt.DefineComponent
Returns the parent of this component, if it exists.


SingletonComponent - Interface in dagger.hilt.components
A Hilt component for singleton bindings.


topLevelClass() - Method in annotation type dagger.hilt.codegen.OriginatingElement
Returns the top-level class enclosing the originating element.


value() - Method in annotation type dagger.hilt.InstallIn
value() - Method in annotation type dagger.hilt.internal.generatesrootinput.GeneratesRootInputPropagatedData
value() - Method in annotation type dagger.hilt.migration.AliasOf
Returns the existing Hilt scope(s) that the annotated scope is aliasing.
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