Class TryFailThrowable

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    BugChecker.TryTreeMatcher, Suppressible, Serializable

    public class TryFailThrowable
    extends BugChecker
    implements BugChecker.TryTreeMatcher
    A bug checker for the following code pattern:
     try {
       // do something; // or any Assert.assert*
       // maybe do something more
     } catch (Throwable t) {
       // empty or only comments
    * Matches all static methods named "fail" and starting with "assert" from the following classes:
    • org.junit.Assert,
    • junit.framework.Assert,
    • junit.framework.TestCase - which overrides the methods from Assert in order to deprecate them and
    • every class whose name ends with "MoreAsserts".
    Possible improvements/generalizations of this matcher:
    • support multiple catch() blocks
    [email protected] (Adam Wos)
    See Also:
    Serialized Form