Class HeldLockAnalyzer.ExpectedLockCalculator

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class HeldLockAnalyzer.ExpectedLockCalculator
    extends Object
    Utility for discovering the lock expressions that needs to be held when accessing specific guarded members.
    • Method Detail

      • from

        public static Optional<GuardedByExpression> from​( guardedMemberExpression,
                                                         GuardedByExpression guard,
                                                         VisitorState state,
                                                         GuardedByFlags flags)
        Determine the lock expression that needs to be held when accessing a specific guarded member.

        If the lock expression resolves to an instance member, the result will be a select expression with the same base as the original guarded member access.

        For example:

         class MyClass {
           final Object mu = new Object();
           int x;
         void m(MyClass myClass) {
        To determine the lock that must be held when accessing myClass.x, from is called with "myClass.x" and "mu", and returns "".