Class Finally

All Implemented Interfaces:
BugChecker.BreakTreeMatcher, BugChecker.ContinueTreeMatcher, BugChecker.ReturnTreeMatcher, BugChecker.ThrowTreeMatcher, Suppressible, Serializable

Matches the behaviour of javac's finally Xlint warning.

1) Any return statement in a finally block is an error 2) An uncaught throw statement in a finally block is an error. We can't always know whether a specific exception will be caught, so we report errors for throw statements that are not contained in a try with at least one catch block. 3) A continue statement in a finally block is an error if it breaks out of a (possibly labeled) loop that is outside the enclosing finally. 4) A break statement in a finally block is an error if it breaks out of a (possibly labeled) loop or a switch statement that is outside the enclosing finally.

[email protected] (Eddie Aftandilian), [email protected] (Liam Miller-Cushon)
See Also: