Class ReviewerResult


public class ReviewerResult extends Object
Result object representing the outcome of a request to add/remove a reviewer.
  • Field Details

    • input

      public String input
      The identifier of an account or group that was to be added/removed as a reviewer.
    • error

      public String error
      If non-null, a string describing why the reviewer could not be added/removed.
    • confirm

      public Boolean confirm
      Non-null and true if the reviewer cannot be added without explicit confirmation. This may be the case for groups of a certain size. For removals, it's always false.
    • reviewers

      public List<ReviewerInfo> reviewers
      List of individual reviewers added to the change. The size of this list may be greater than one (e.g. when a group is added). Null if no reviewers were added.
    • ccs

      public List<AccountInfo> ccs
      List of new accounts CCed on the change. The size of this list may be greater than one (e.g. when a group is CCed). Null if no accounts were CCed.
    • removed

      public AccountInfo removed
      An account removed from the change. Null if no accounts were removed.
  • Constructor Details

    • ReviewerResult

      public ReviewerResult(String input)
      Constructs a partially initialized result for the given reviewer.
      input - String identifier of an account or group, from user request
    • ReviewerResult

      public ReviewerResult(String reviewer, String error)
      Constructs an error result for the given account.
      reviewer - String identifier of an account or group
      error - Error message
    • ReviewerResult

      public ReviewerResult(String reviewer, boolean confirm)
      Constructs a needs-confirmation result for the given account.
      confirm - Whether confirmation is needed.