Interface ServerPluginProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ServerPluginProvider
Provider of one Server plugin from one external file

Allows to load one plugin from one external file or one directory by declaring the ability to handle it.

In order to load multiple files into a single plugin, group them into a directory tree and then load the directory root as a single plugin.

  • Method Details

    • handles

      boolean handles(Path srcPath)
      Declares the availability to manage an external file or directory
      srcPath - the external file or directory
      true if file or directory can be loaded into a Server Plugin
    • getPluginName

      String getPluginName(Path srcPath)
      Returns the plugin name of an external file or directory

      Should be called only if handles(srcFile) returns true and thus srcFile is a supported plugin format. An IllegalArgumentException is thrown otherwise as srcFile is not a valid file format for extracting its plugin name.

      srcPath - external file or directory
      plugin name
    • get

      ServerPlugin get(Path srcPath, snapshot, ServerPluginProvider.PluginDescription pluginDescriptor) throws InvalidPluginException
      Loads an external file or directory into a Server plugin.

      Should be called only if handles(srcFile) returns true and thus srcFile is a supported plugin format. An IllegalArgumentException is thrown otherwise as srcFile is not a valid file format for extracting its plugin name.

      srcPath - external file or directory
      snapshot - snapshot of the external file
      pluginDescriptor - descriptor of the ServerPlugin to load
      InvalidPluginException - if plugin is supposed to be handled but cannot be loaded for any other reason
    • getProviderPluginName

      String getProviderPluginName()
      Returns the plugin name of this provider.

      Allows to identify which plugin provided the current ServerPluginProvider by returning the plugin name. Helpful for troubleshooting plugin loading problems.

      plugin name of this provider