Class InternalFutureFailureAccess

  • public abstract class InternalFutureFailureAccess
    extends Object
    A future that, if it fails, may optionally provide access to the cause of the failure.

    This class is used only for micro-optimization. Standard Future utilities benefit from this optimization, so there is no need to specialize methods to return or accept this type instead of ListenableFuture.

    This class is GWT-compatible.

    Since:, which was added as a dependency of Guava in Guava 27.0
    • Method Detail

      • tryInternalFastPathGetFailure

        protected abstract Throwable tryInternalFastPathGetFailure()
        Usually returns null but, if this Future has failed, may optionally return the cause of the failure. "Failure" means specifically "completed with an exception"; it does not include "was cancelled." To be explicit: If this method returns a non-null value, then:
        • isDone() must return true
        • isCancelled() must return false
        • get() must not block, and it must throw an ExecutionException with the return value of this method as its cause

        This method is protected so that classes like do not expose it to their users as an instance method. In the unlikely event that you need to call this method, call InternalFutures.tryInternalFastPathGetFailure(InternalFutureFailureAccess).