002 * Copyright (C) 2007 The Guava Authors
003 *
004 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007 *
008 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009 *
010 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014 * limitations under the License.
015 */
017package com.google.common.collect.testing;
019import com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible;
020import java.util.Collection;
021import java.util.Iterator;
022import java.util.List;
023import java.util.ListIterator;
024import java.util.Map;
025import java.util.Map.Entry;
026import org.junit.Ignore;
029 * Base class for map testers.
030 *
031 * <p>TODO: see how much of this is actually needed once Map testers are written. (It was cloned
032 * from AbstractCollectionTester.)
033 *
034 * @param <K> the key type of the map to be tested.
035 * @param <V> the value type of the map to be tested.
036 * @author George van den Driessche
037 */
039@Ignore // Affects only Android test runner, which respects JUnit 4 annotations on JUnit 3 tests.
040public abstract class AbstractMapTester<K, V>
041    extends AbstractContainerTester<Map<K, V>, Entry<K, V>> {
042  protected Map<K, V> getMap() {
043    return container;
044  }
046  @Override
047  protected Collection<Entry<K, V>> actualContents() {
048    return getMap().entrySet();
049  }
051  /** @see AbstractContainerTester#resetContainer() */
052  protected final void resetMap() {
053    resetContainer();
054  }
056  protected void resetMap(Entry<K, V>[] entries) {
057    resetContainer(getSubjectGenerator().create((Object[]) entries));
058  }
060  protected void expectMissingKeys(K... elements) {
061    for (K element : elements) {
062      assertFalse("Should not contain key " + element, getMap().containsKey(element));
063    }
064  }
066  protected void expectMissingValues(V... elements) {
067    for (V element : elements) {
068      assertFalse("Should not contain value " + element, getMap().containsValue(element));
069    }
070  }
072  /** @return an array of the proper size with {@code null} as the key of the middle element. */
073  protected Entry<K, V>[] createArrayWithNullKey() {
074    Entry<K, V>[] array = createSamplesArray();
075    final int nullKeyLocation = getNullLocation();
076    final Entry<K, V> oldEntry = array[nullKeyLocation];
077    array[nullKeyLocation] = entry(null, oldEntry.getValue());
078    return array;
079  }
081  protected V getValueForNullKey() {
082    return getEntryNullReplaces().getValue();
083  }
085  protected K getKeyForNullValue() {
086    return getEntryNullReplaces().getKey();
087  }
089  private Entry<K, V> getEntryNullReplaces() {
090    Iterator<Entry<K, V>> entries = getSampleElements().iterator();
091    for (int i = 0; i < getNullLocation(); i++) {
092      entries.next();
093    }
094    return entries.next();
095  }
097  /** @return an array of the proper size with {@code null} as the value of the middle element. */
098  protected Entry<K, V>[] createArrayWithNullValue() {
099    Entry<K, V>[] array = createSamplesArray();
100    final int nullValueLocation = getNullLocation();
101    final Entry<K, V> oldEntry = array[nullValueLocation];
102    array[nullValueLocation] = entry(oldEntry.getKey(), null);
103    return array;
104  }
106  protected void initMapWithNullKey() {
107    resetMap(createArrayWithNullKey());
108  }
110  protected void initMapWithNullValue() {
111    resetMap(createArrayWithNullValue());
112  }
114  /**
115   * Equivalent to {@link #expectMissingKeys(Object[]) expectMissingKeys} {@code (null)} except that
116   * the call to {@code contains(null)} is permitted to throw a {@code NullPointerException}.
117   *
118   * @param message message to use upon assertion failure
119   */
120  protected void expectNullKeyMissingWhenNullKeysUnsupported(String message) {
121    try {
122      assertFalse(message, getMap().containsKey(null));
123    } catch (NullPointerException tolerated) {
124      // Tolerated
125    }
126  }
128  /**
129   * Equivalent to {@link #expectMissingValues(Object[]) expectMissingValues} {@code (null)} except
130   * that the call to {@code contains(null)} is permitted to throw a {@code NullPointerException}.
131   *
132   * @param message message to use upon assertion failure
133   */
134  protected void expectNullValueMissingWhenNullValuesUnsupported(String message) {
135    try {
136      assertFalse(message, getMap().containsValue(null));
137    } catch (NullPointerException tolerated) {
138      // Tolerated
139    }
140  }
142  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
143  @Override
144  protected MinimalCollection<Entry<K, V>> createDisjointCollection() {
145    return MinimalCollection.of(e3(), e4());
146  }
148  protected int getNumEntries() {
149    return getNumElements();
150  }
152  protected Collection<Entry<K, V>> getSampleEntries(int howMany) {
153    return getSampleElements(howMany);
154  }
156  protected Collection<Entry<K, V>> getSampleEntries() {
157    return getSampleElements();
158  }
160  @Override
161  protected void expectMissing(Entry<K, V>... entries) {
162    for (Entry<K, V> entry : entries) {
163      assertFalse("Should not contain entry " + entry, actualContents().contains(entry));
164      assertFalse(
165          "Should not contain key " + entry.getKey() + " mapped to value " + entry.getValue(),
166          equal(getMap().get(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()));
167    }
168  }
170  private static boolean equal(Object a, Object b) {
171    return a == b || (a != null && a.equals(b));
172  }
174  // This one-liner saves us from some ugly casts
175  protected Entry<K, V> entry(K key, V value) {
176    return Helpers.mapEntry(key, value);
177  }
179  @Override
180  protected void expectContents(Collection<Entry<K, V>> expected) {
181    // TODO: move this to invariant checks once the appropriate hook exists?
182    super.expectContents(expected);
183    for (Entry<K, V> entry : expected) {
184      assertEquals(
185          "Wrong value for key " + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), getMap().get(entry.getKey()));
186    }
187  }
189  protected final void expectReplacement(Entry<K, V> newEntry) {
190    List<Entry<K, V>> expected = Helpers.copyToList(getSampleElements());
191    replaceValue(expected, newEntry);
192    expectContents(expected);
193  }
195  private void replaceValue(List<Entry<K, V>> expected, Entry<K, V> newEntry) {
196    for (ListIterator<Entry<K, V>> i = expected.listIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
197      if (Helpers.equal(i.next().getKey(), newEntry.getKey())) {
198        i.set(newEntry);
199        return;
200      }
201    }
203    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
204        Platform.format("key %s not found in entries %s", newEntry.getKey(), expected));
205  }
207  /**
208   * Wrapper for {@link Map#get(Object)} that forces the caller to pass in a key of the same type as
209   * the map. Besides being slightly shorter than code that uses {@link #getMap()}, it also ensures
210   * that callers don't pass an {@link Entry} by mistake.
211   */
212  protected V get(K key) {
213    return getMap().get(key);
214  }
216  protected final K k0() {
217    return e0().getKey();
218  }
220  protected final V v0() {
221    return e0().getValue();
222  }
224  protected final K k1() {
225    return e1().getKey();
226  }
228  protected final V v1() {
229    return e1().getValue();
230  }
232  protected final K k2() {
233    return e2().getKey();
234  }
236  protected final V v2() {
237    return e2().getValue();
238  }
240  protected final K k3() {
241    return e3().getKey();
242  }
244  protected final V v3() {
245    return e3().getValue();
246  }
248  protected final K k4() {
249    return e4().getKey();
250  }
252  protected final V v4() {
253    return e4().getValue();
254  }