Class SetGenerators.ImmutableSortedSetExplicitComparator

    • Method Detail

      • order

        public List<Stringorder​(List<String> insertionOrder)
        Description copied from class: TestStringSetGenerator
        Returns the iteration ordering of elements, given the order in which they were added to the container. This method may return the original list unchanged, the original list modified in place, or a different list.

        If the order is non-deterministic, as with HashSet, this method can return its input unmodified. Provided that the test suite is built without CollectionFeature.KNOWN_ORDER, the tests will look only at the returned contents without regard for order.

        By default, returns the supplied elements in their given order; however, generators for containers with a known order other than insertion order must override this method.

        Note: This default implementation is overkill (but valid) for an unordered container. An equally valid implementation for an unordered container is to throw an exception. The chosen implementation, however, has the advantage of working for insertion-ordered containers, as well.

        Specified by:
        order in interface TestContainerGenerator<Collection<String>,​String>
        order in class TestStringSetGenerator