Annotation Type Finder

  • @Target(METHOD)
    public @interface Finder
    Marks a method stub as a dynamic finder. The method is intercepted and replaced with the specified JPAQL query. Provides result auto-boxing and automatic parameter binding.
    Dhanji R. Prasanna ([email protected])
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      String namedQuery
      Returns the configured named query's name.
      String query
      Returns the configured query string.
      Class<? extends Collection> returnAs
      Returns the configured autoboxing collection class.
    • Element Detail

      • namedQuery

        String namedQuery
        Returns the configured named query's name. Specify a named query's name here. This name is typically specified in your JPA configuration.
      • query

        String query
        Returns the configured query string. Directly specify a JPAQL query here.
      • returnAs

        Class<? extends Collection> returnAs
        Returns the configured autoboxing collection class. Use this clause to specify a collection impl to autobox result lists into. The impl must have a default no-arg constructor and be a subclass of java.util.Collection.