Class CheckRequiresSorted

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class CheckRequiresSorted
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements NodeTraversal.Callback
    Checks that Closure import statements (goog.require, goog.requireType, and goog.forwardDeclare) are sorted and deduplicated, exposing the necessary information to produce a suggested fix.
    • Field Detail


        public static final DiagnosticType REQUIRES_NOT_SORTED
    • Method Detail

      • getFirstNode

        public Node getFirstNode()
        Returns the node for the first recognized import statement.
      • getLastNode

        public Node getLastNode()
        Returns the node for the last recognized import statement.
      • getReplacement

        public java.lang.String getReplacement()
        Returns a textual replacement yielding a canonical version of the imports.
      • needsFix

        public boolean needsFix()
        Returns whether the imports need to be fixed, i.e., whether they are *not* already canonical.
      • visit

        public final void visit​(NodeTraversal t,
                                Node n,
                                Node parent)
        Description copied from interface: NodeTraversal.Callback
        Visits a node in postorder (after its children). A node is visited in postorder iff NodeTraversal.Callback.shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal, Node, Node) returned true for its parent. In particular, the root node is never visited in postorder.

        Siblings are always visited left-to-right.

        Implementations can have side-effects (e.g. modify the parse tree). Removing the current node is legal, but removing or reordering nodes above the current node may cause nodes to be visited twice or not at all.

        Specified by:
        visit in interface NodeTraversal.Callback
        t - The current traversal.
        n - The current node.
        parent - The parent of the current node.