Class Matchers

  • public final class Matchers
    extends java.lang.Object
    Class that contains common Matchers that are useful to everyone.
    • Method Detail

      • anything

        public static Matcher anything()
        Returns a Matcher that matches every node.
      • allOf

        public static Matcher allOf​(Matcher... matchers)
        Returns a Matcher that returns true only if all of the provided matchers match.
      • anyOf

        public static Matcher anyOf​(Matcher... matchers)
        Returns a Matcher that returns true if any of the provided matchers match.
      • not

        public static Matcher not​(Matcher matcher)
        Returns a Matcher that matches the opposite of the provided matcher.
      • constructor

        public static Matcher constructor()
        Returns a matcher that matches any constructor definitions.
      • constructor

        public static Matcher constructor​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns a matcher that matches constructor definitions of the specified name.
        name - The name of the class constructor to match.
      • newClass

        public static Matcher newClass()
        Returns a Matcher that matches constructing new objects. This will match the NEW node of the JS Compiler AST.
      • newClass

        public static Matcher newClass​(java.lang.String className)
        Returns a Matcher that matches constructing objects of the provided class name. This will match the NEW node of the JS Compiler AST.
        className - The name of the class to return matching NEW nodes.
      • functionCall

        public static Matcher functionCall()
        Returns a Matcher that matches any function call.
      • functionCall

        public static Matcher functionCall​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns a Matcher that matches all nodes that are function calls that match the provided name.
        name - The name of the function to match. For non-static functions, this must be the fully qualified name that includes the type of the object. For instance: ns.AppContext.prototype.get will match appContext.get and this.get when called from the AppContext class.
      • functionCallWithNumArgs

        public static Matcher functionCallWithNumArgs​(int numArgs)
        Returns a Matcher that matches any function call that has the given number of arguments.
      • functionCallWithNumArgs

        public static Matcher functionCallWithNumArgs​(java.lang.String name,
                                                      int numArgs)
        Returns a Matcher that matches any function call that has the given number of arguments and the given name.
        name - The name of the function to match. For non-static functions, this must be the fully qualified name that includes the type of the object. For instance: ns.AppContext.prototype.get will match appContext.get and this.get when called from the AppContext class.
      • googRequirelike

        public static Matcher googRequirelike​(java.lang.String namespace)
      • googRequirelike

        public static Matcher googRequirelike()
      • googRequire

        public static Matcher googRequire()
      • googRequireType

        public static Matcher googRequireType()
      • googForwardDeclare

        public static Matcher googForwardDeclare()
      • googModule

        public static Matcher googModule()
      • googModuleOrProvide

        public static Matcher googModuleOrProvide()
      • propertyAccess

        public static Matcher propertyAccess()
        Returns a Matcher that matches any property access.
      • propertyAccess

        public static Matcher propertyAccess​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns a Matcher that matches nodes representing a GETPROP access of an object property.
        name - The name of the property to match. For non-static properties, this must be the fully qualified name that includes the type of the object. For instance: ns.AppContext.prototype.root will match appContext.root and this.root when accessed from the AppContext.
      • enumDefinition

        public static Matcher enumDefinition()
        Returns a Matcher that matches definitions of any enum.
      • enumDefinitionOfType

        public static Matcher enumDefinitionOfType​(java.lang.String type)
        Returns a Matcher that matches definitions of an enum of the given type.
      • assignmentWithRhs

        public static Matcher assignmentWithRhs​(Matcher rhsMatcher)
        Returns a Matcher that matches an ASSIGN node where the RHS of the assignment matches the given rhsMatcher.
      • prototypeVariableDeclaration

        public static Matcher prototypeVariableDeclaration()
        Returns a Matcher that matches a declaration of a variable on the prototype of a class.
      • prototypeMethodDeclaration

        public static Matcher prototypeMethodDeclaration()
        Returns a Matcher that matches a declaration of a method on the prototype of a class.
      • jsDocType

        public static Matcher jsDocType​(java.lang.String type)
        Returns a Matcher that matches nodes that contain JS Doc that specify the @type annotation equivalent to the provided type.
      • constructorPropertyDeclaration

        public static Matcher constructorPropertyDeclaration()
        Returns a Matcher that matches against properties that are declared in the constructor.
      • isPrivate

        public static Matcher isPrivate()
        Returns a Matcher that matches against nodes that are declared @private.