Class ComposeWarningsGuard

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ComposeWarningsGuard
    extends WarningsGuard
    WarningsGuard that represents just a chain of other guards. For example we could have following chain 1) all warnings outside of /foo/ should be suppressed 2) errors with key JSC_BAR should be marked as warning 3) the rest should be reported as error This class is designed for such behavior.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ComposeWarningsGuard

        public ComposeWarningsGuard​(java.util.List<WarningsGuard> guards)
      • ComposeWarningsGuard

        public ComposeWarningsGuard​(WarningsGuard... guards)
    • Method Detail

      • level

        public CheckLevel level​(JSError error)
        Description copied from class: WarningsGuard
        Returns a new check level for a given error. OFF - suppress it, ERROR - report as error. null means that this guard does not know what to do with the error. Null is extremely helpful when you have a chain of guards. If current guard returns null, then the next in the chain should process it.
        Specified by:
        level in class WarningsGuard
        error - a reported error.
        what level given error should have.
      • disables

        public boolean disables​(DiagnosticGroup group)
        Description copied from class: WarningsGuard
        Returns whether all warnings in the given diagnostic group will be filtered out. Used to determine which passes to skip.
        disables in class WarningsGuard
        group - A group of DiagnosticTypes.
        Whether all warnings of these types are disabled by this guard.
      • enables

        public boolean enables​(DiagnosticGroup group)
        Determines whether this guard will "elevate" the status of any disabled diagnostic type in the group to a warning or an error.
        enables in class WarningsGuard
        group - A group of DiagnosticTypes.
        Whether any warnings of these types are enabled by this guard.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object