Class DefaultPassConfig

  • public final class DefaultPassConfig
    extends PassConfig
    Pass factories and meta-data for native JSCompiler passes.

    NOTE(dimvar): this needs some non-trivial refactoring. The pass config should use as little state as possible. The recommended way for a pass to leave behind some state for a subsequent pass is through the compiler object. Any other state remaining here should only be used when the pass config is creating the list of checks and optimizations, not after passes have started executing. For example, the field namespaceForChecks should be in Compiler.

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • getWhitespaceOnlyPasses

        protected java.util.List<PassFactory> getWhitespaceOnlyPasses()
        Description copied from class: PassConfig
        Gets additional checking passes that are run always, even in "whitespace only" mode. For very specific cases where processing is required even in a mode which is intended not to have any processing - specifically introduced to support goog.module() usage.
        getWhitespaceOnlyPasses in class PassConfig
      • getChecks

        protected java.util.List<PassFactory> getChecks()
        Description copied from class: PassConfig
        Gets the checking passes to run. Checking passes revolve around emitting warnings and errors. They also may include pre-processor passes needed to do error analysis more effectively. Clients that only want to analyze code (like IDEs) and not emit code will only run checks and not optimizations.
        Specified by:
        getChecks in class PassConfig
      • getOptimizations

        protected java.util.List<PassFactory> getOptimizations()
        Description copied from class: PassConfig
        Gets the optimization passes to run. Optimization passes revolve around producing smaller and faster code. They should always run after checking passes.
        Specified by:
        getOptimizations in class PassConfig