Interface ErrorManager

    • Method Detail

      • report

        void report​(CheckLevel level,
                    JSError error)
        Reports an error. The errors will be displayed by the generateReport() at the discretion of the implementation.
        Specified by:
        report in interface ErrorHandler
        level - the reporting level
        error - the error to report
      • getErrorCount

        int getErrorCount()
        Gets the number of reported errors.
      • getWarningCount

        int getWarningCount()
        Gets the number of reported warnings.
      • getErrors<JSError> getErrors()
        Gets all the errors.
      • getWarnings<JSError> getWarnings()
        Gets all the warnings.
      • setTypedPercent

        void setTypedPercent​(double typedPercent)
        Sets the percentage of typed expressions.
      • getTypedPercent

        double getTypedPercent()
        Gets the percentage of typed expressions.
      • hasHaltingErrors

        default boolean hasHaltingErrors()
        Returns if the error manager has errors that should make compilation halt. This, for example, omits errors that were promoted from warnings by using the --strict flag.
      • shouldReportConformanceViolation

        default boolean shouldReportConformanceViolation​( requirement,
                                               <> whitelistEntry,
                                                         JSError diagnostic)
        Return true if the conformance violation should be reported. This is called even if the violation is whitelisted.