Class ConvertToTypedInterface

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ConvertToTypedInterface
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements CompilerPass
    The goal of this pass is to shrink the AST, preserving only typing, not behavior.

    To do this, it does things like removing function/method bodies, rvalues that are not needed, expressions that are not declarations, etc.

    This is conceptually similar to the ijar tool[1] that bazel uses to shrink jars into minimal versions that can be used equivalently for compilation of downstream dependencies.


    • Constructor Detail

      • ConvertToTypedInterface

        public ConvertToTypedInterface​(AbstractCompiler compiler)
    • Method Detail

      • process

        public void process​(Node externs,
                            Node root)
        Description copied from interface: CompilerPass
        Process the JS with root node root. Can modify the contents of each Node tree
        Specified by:
        process in interface CompilerPass
        externs - Top of external JS tree
        root - Top of JS tree