Class Binding

  • public abstract class Binding
    extends java.lang.Object
    Represents a variable bound by an import or export statement, or goog.require. This can either be a single variable or a entire module namespace created by an import * statement.

    See Module.namespace() and Module.boundNames() for how Bindings are used.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String boundName()
      The name of the variable this export is bound to, assuming it is not a binding of a module namespace.
      abstract java.lang.String closureNamespace()  
      abstract createdBy()  
      boolean isCreatedByEsExport()
      Returns whether this Binding originated from an ES import, as opposed to an export or goog.require.
      boolean isCreatedByEsImport()
      Returns whether this Binding originated from an ES import, as opposed to an export or goog.require.
      abstract boolean isModuleNamespace()
      True if this represents a module namespace, e.g.
      boolean isMutated()
      Returns whether or not this export is potentially mutated after module execution (i.e.
      boolean isSomeImport()
      Returns whether this Binding originated from an ES import or goog.require
      abstract ModuleMetadataMap.ModuleMetadata metadata()
      Metadata of the module this is bound to.
      abstract Export originatingExport()
      Returns the original export if this binding was created by an export.
      abstract Node sourceNode()
      The AST node to use for source location when rewriting.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • metadata

        public abstract ModuleMetadataMap.ModuleMetadata metadata()
        Metadata of the module this is bound to.

        If this was made from an import * then it is the module that this imported. Otherwise it is the module this binding was created in (e.g. the module of the originating export).

      • sourceNode

        public abstract Node sourceNode()
        The AST node to use for source location when rewriting.

        This is generally a NAME or IMPORT_STAR node inside an import or export statement that represents where the name was bound. However as export * from has no NAME nodes the source node in that instance should be the entire export node.

        Null for missing ES modules and non-ES modules as they are currently not scanned.

      • originatingExport

        public abstract Export originatingExport()
        Returns the original export if this binding was created by an export.

        For transitive exports this will still be the *original* export, not the transitive link.

      • isModuleNamespace

        public abstract boolean isModuleNamespace()
        True if this represents a module namespace, e.g. created by import *
      • closureNamespace

        public abstract java.lang.String closureNamespace()
      • createdBy

        public abstract createdBy()
      • boundName

        public final java.lang.String boundName()
        The name of the variable this export is bound to, assuming it is not a binding of a module namespace.
      • isMutated

        public final boolean isMutated()
        Returns whether or not this export is potentially mutated after module execution (i.e. in a function scope).
      • isCreatedByEsImport

        public final boolean isCreatedByEsImport()
        Returns whether this Binding originated from an ES import, as opposed to an export or goog.require.
      • isCreatedByEsExport

        public final boolean isCreatedByEsExport()
        Returns whether this Binding originated from an ES import, as opposed to an export or goog.require.
      • isSomeImport

        public final boolean isSomeImport()
        Returns whether this Binding originated from an ES import or goog.require