Class NoResolvedType

  • public final class NoResolvedType
    extends NoType
    An unresolved type that was forward declared. So we know it exists, but that it wasn't pulled into this binary. In most cases, it behaves like a bottom type in the type lattice: no real type should be assigned to a NoResolvedType, but the NoResolvedType is a subtype of everything. In a few cases, it behaves like the unknown type: properties of this type are also NoResolved types, and comparisons to other types always have an unknown result.
    • Method Detail

      • getReferenceName

        public java.lang.String getReferenceName()
        Description copied from class: ObjectType
        Gets the reference name for this object. This includes named types like constructors, prototypes, and enums. It notably does not include literal types like strings and booleans and structural types.

        Returning an empty string means something different than returning null. An empty string may indicate an anonymous constructor, which we treat differently than a literal type without a reference name. e.g. in InstanceObjectType.appendTo(TypeStringBuilder)

        getReferenceName in class NoObjectType
        the object's name or null if this is an anonymous object
      • isNoType

        public boolean isNoType()
        isNoType in class NoType