Class FunctionParamBuilder

  • public final class FunctionParamBuilder
    extends java.lang.Object
    A builder for the list representing FunctionType Parameters
    • Constructor Detail

      • FunctionParamBuilder

        public FunctionParamBuilder​(JSTypeRegistry registry)
    • Method Detail

      • addRequiredParams

        public boolean addRequiredParams​(JSType... types)
        Add parameters of the given type to the end of the param list.
        False if this is called after optional params are added.
      • addOptionalParams

        public boolean addOptionalParams​(JSType... types)
        Add optional parameters of the given type to the end of the param list.
        types - Types for each optional parameter. The builder will make them undefine-able.
        False if this is called after var args are added.
      • addVarArgs

        public boolean addVarArgs​(JSType type)
        Add variable arguments to the end of the parameter list.
        False if this is called after var args are added.
      • newParameterFrom

        public void newParameterFrom​(FunctionType.Parameter n)
        Copies the parameter specification from the given parameter.
      • newOptionalParameterFrom

        public void newOptionalParameterFrom​(FunctionType.Parameter p)
        Copies the parameter specification from the given parameter, but makes sure it's optional.
      • hasVarArgs

        public boolean hasVarArgs()