Class ProxyObjectType

    • Method Detail

      • getPropertyKind

        public final JSType.HasPropertyKind getPropertyKind​(java.lang.String propertyName,
                                                            boolean autobox)
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Checks whether the property is present on the object.
        getPropertyKind in class ObjectType
        propertyName - The property name.
        autobox - Whether to check for the presents on an autoboxed type
      • loosenTypecheckingDueToForwardReferencedSupertype

        public final boolean loosenTypecheckingDueToForwardReferencedSupertype()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        During type definition, was one of the supertypes of this type a forward reference?

        This is a hack to work around the fact that inheritance chains and template types aren't wired up correctly when this happens, which causes various false positives in checks. The known bugs associated are b/145145406, b/144327372, and b/132980305.

        This method should only be used to suppress potential false positives caused by one of the above bugs, in the case where we think suppressing typechecking is preferable to emitting a false positive.

        loosenTypecheckingDueToForwardReferencedSupertype in class JSType
      • setValidator

        public boolean setValidator​(<JSType> validator)
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Certain types have constraints on them at resolution-time. For example, a type in an @extends annotation must be an object. Clients should inject a validator that emits a warning if the type does not validate, and return false.
        setValidator in class JSType
      • getReferenceName

        public java.lang.String getReferenceName()
        Description copied from class: ObjectType
        Gets the reference name for this object. This includes named types like constructors, prototypes, and enums. It notably does not include literal types like strings and booleans and structural types.

        Returning an empty string means something different than returning null. An empty string may indicate an anonymous constructor, which we treat differently than a literal type without a reference name. e.g. in InstanceObjectType.appendTo(TypeStringBuilder)

        Specified by:
        getReferenceName in class ObjectType
        the object's name or null if this is an anonymous object
      • matchesNumberContext

        public final boolean matchesNumberContext()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        This predicate is used to test whether a given type can appear in a numeric context, such as an operand of a multiply operator.
        matchesNumberContext in class JSType
      • matchesStringContext

        public final boolean matchesStringContext()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        This predicate is used to test whether a given type can appear in a String context, such as an operand of a string concat (+) operator. All types have at least the potential for converting to String. When we add externally defined types, such as a browser OM, we may choose to add types that do not automatically convert to String.
        matchesStringContext in class JSType
      • matchesSymbolContext

        public final boolean matchesSymbolContext()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        This predicate is used to test whether a given type can appear in a symbol context such as property access.
        matchesSymbolContext in class JSType
      • matchesObjectContext

        public final boolean matchesObjectContext()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        This predicate is used to test whether a given type can appear in an Object context, such as the expression in a with statement. Most types we will encounter, except notably null, have at least the potential for converting to Object. Host defined objects can get peculiar.
        matchesObjectContext in class JSType
      • canBeCalled

        public final boolean canBeCalled()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        This predicate is used to test whether a given type can be used as the 'function' in a function call.
        canBeCalled in class JSType
        true if this type might be callable.
      • isNoType

        public final boolean isNoType()
        isNoType in class JSType
      • isNoObjectType

        public final boolean isNoObjectType()
        isNoObjectType in class JSType
      • isUnknownType

        public final boolean isUnknownType()
        Description copied from class: ObjectType
        We treat this as the unknown type if any of its implicit prototype properties is unknown.
        isUnknownType in class ObjectType
      • isNullable

        public final boolean isNullable()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Tests whether this type is nullable.
        isNullable in class JSType
      • isVoidable

        public final boolean isVoidable()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Tests whether this type is voidable.
        isVoidable in class JSType
      • toMaybeEnumType

        public final EnumType toMaybeEnumType()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Downcasts this to an EnumType, or returns null if this is not an EnumType.
        toMaybeEnumType in class JSType
      • isConstructor

        public final boolean isConstructor()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Whether this type is a FunctionType that is a constructor or a named type that points to such a type.
        isConstructor in class JSType
      • isNominalType

        public boolean isNominalType()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Whether this type is a nominal type (a named instance object or a named enum).
        isNominalType in class JSType
      • isInstanceType

        public final boolean isInstanceType()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Whether this type is an Instance object of some constructor. Does not necessarily mean this is an InstanceObjectType.
        isInstanceType in class JSType
      • isInterface

        public final boolean isInterface()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Whether this type is a FunctionType that is an interface or a named type that points to such a type.
        isInterface in class JSType
      • isOrdinaryFunction

        public final boolean isOrdinaryFunction()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Whether this type is a FunctionType that is an ordinary function (i.e. not a constructor, nominal interface, or record interface), or a named type that points to such a type.
        isOrdinaryFunction in class JSType
      • isAllType

        public final boolean isAllType()
        isAllType in class JSType
      • isStruct

        public final boolean isStruct()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Returns true iff this can be a struct. UnionType overrides the method, assume this is not a union here.
        isStruct in class JSType
      • isDict

        public final boolean isDict()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Returns true iff this can be a dict. UnionType overrides the method, assume this is not a union here.
        isDict in class JSType
      • isNativeObjectType

        public final boolean isNativeObjectType()
        Description copied from class: ObjectType
        Whether this is a built-in object.
        isNativeObjectType in class ObjectType
      • toMaybeRecordType

        public final RecordType toMaybeRecordType()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Downcasts this to a RecordType, or returns null if this is not a RecordType.
        toMaybeRecordType in class JSType
      • toMaybeUnionType

        public final UnionType toMaybeUnionType()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Downcasts this to a UnionType, or returns null if this is not a UnionType. Named in honor of Haskell's Maybe type constructor.
        toMaybeUnionType in class JSType
      • toMaybeFunctionType

        public final FunctionType toMaybeFunctionType()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Downcasts this to a FunctionType, or returns null if this is not a function.

        For the purposes of this function, we define a MaybeFunctionType as any type in the sub-lattice { x | LEAST_FUNCTION_TYPE <= x <= GREATEST_FUNCTION_TYPE } This definition excludes bottom types like NoType and NoObjectType.

        This definition is somewhat arbitrary and axiomatic, but this is the definition that makes the most sense for the most callers.

        toMaybeFunctionType in class JSType
      • toMaybeEnumElementType

        public final EnumElementType toMaybeEnumElementType()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Downcasts this to an EnumElementType, or returns null if this is not an EnumElementType.
        toMaybeEnumElementType in class JSType
      • testForEquality

        public final Tri testForEquality​(JSType that)
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Compares this and that.
        testForEquality in class ObjectType
        • Tri.TRUE if the comparison of values of this type and that always succeed (such as undefined compared to null)
        • Tri.FALSE if the comparison of values of this type and that always fails (such as undefined compared to number)
        • Tri.UNKNOWN if the comparison can succeed or fail depending on the concrete values
      • getCtorImplementedInterfaces

        public java.lang.Iterable<ObjectType> getCtorImplementedInterfaces()
        Description copied from class: ObjectType
        Gets the interfaces implemented by the ctor associated with this type. Intended to be overridden by subclasses.
        getCtorImplementedInterfaces in class ObjectType
      • getCtorExtendedInterfaces

        public java.lang.Iterable<ObjectType> getCtorExtendedInterfaces()
        Description copied from class: ObjectType
        Gets the interfaces extended by the interface associated with this type. Intended to be overridden by subclasses.
        getCtorExtendedInterfaces in class ObjectType
      • removeProperty

        public final boolean removeProperty​(java.lang.String name)
        Description copied from class: ObjectType
        Removes the declared or inferred property from this ObjectType.
        removeProperty in class ObjectType
        name - the property's name
        true if the property was removed successfully. False if the property did not exist, or could not be removed.
      • findPropertyTypeWithoutConsideringTemplateTypes

        protected JSType findPropertyTypeWithoutConsideringTemplateTypes​(java.lang.String propertyName)
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Looks up a property on this type, but without properly replacing any templates in the result.

        Subclasses can override this if they need more complicated logic for property lookup than just autoboxing to an object.

        This is only for use by findPropertyType(JSType). Call that method instead if you need to lookup a property on a random JSType

        findPropertyTypeWithoutConsideringTemplateTypes in class ObjectType
      • setPropertyJSDocInfo

        public final void setPropertyJSDocInfo​(java.lang.String propertyName,
                                               JSDocInfo info)
        Description copied from class: ObjectType
        Sets the docInfo for the specified property from the JSDocInfo on its definition.
        setPropertyJSDocInfo in class ObjectType
        info - JSDocInfo for the property definition. May be null.
      • getConstructor

        public final FunctionType getConstructor()
        Description copied from class: ObjectType
        Gets this object's constructor.
        Specified by:
        getConstructor in class ObjectType
        this object's constructor or null if it is a native object (constructed natively v.s. by instantiation of a function)
      • getTemplateParamCount

        public int getTemplateParamCount()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Return the number of template parameters declared for this type.

        In general, this value corresponds to the number of `@template` declarations on the type definition. It does not include template parameters from superclasses or superinterfaces.

        getTemplateParamCount in class JSType
      • visitReferenceType

        public final <T> T visitReferenceType​(Visitor<T> visitor)
      • visit

        public <T> T visit​(Visitor<T> visitor)
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Visit this type with the given visitor.
        visit in class ObjectType
        the value returned by the visitor
        See Also:
      • collapseUnion

        public final JSType collapseUnion()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Gets the least supertype of this that's not a union.
        collapseUnion in class JSType
      • matchConstraint

        public final void matchConstraint​(JSType constraint)
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Modify this type so that it matches the specified type. This is useful for reverse type-inference, where we want to infer that an object literal matches its constraint (much like how the java compiler does reverse-inference to figure out generics).
        matchConstraint in class JSType
      • toMaybeTemplatizedType

        public TemplatizedType toMaybeTemplatizedType()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Downcasts this to a TemplatizedType, or returns null if this is not a templatized type.
        toMaybeTemplatizedType in class JSType
      • toMaybeTemplateType

        public TemplateType toMaybeTemplateType()
        Description copied from class: JSType
        Downcasts this to a TemplateType, or returns null if this is not a template type.
        toMaybeTemplateType in class JSType
      • hasAnyTemplateTypesInternal

        public boolean hasAnyTemplateTypesInternal()