Class NodeUtil

  • public final class NodeUtil
    extends java.lang.Object
    NodeUtil contains generally useful AST utilities.
    • Method Detail

      • getStringValue

        public static @Nullable java.lang.String getStringValue​(Node n)
        Gets the value of a node as a String, or null if it cannot be converted. When it returns a non-null String, this method effectively emulates the String() JavaScript cast function.

        IMPORTANT: This method does not consider whether n may have side effects.

      • getName

        public static @Nullable java.lang.String getName​(Node n)
        n - A function or class node.
        The name of the given function or class, if it has one.
      • getNameNode

        public static @Nullable Node getNameNode​(Node n)
        Gets the node of a function or class's name. This method recognizes five forms:
        • class name {...}
        • var name = class {...}
        • = class {...}
        • var name2 = class name1 {...}
        • qualified.name2 = class name1 {...}
        In two last cases with named function expressions, the second name is returned (the variable or qualified name).
        n - A function or class node
        the node best representing the class's name
      • removeName

        public static void removeName​(Node n)
        Set the given function/class node to an empty name
      • getNearestFunctionName

        public static @Nullable java.lang.String getNearestFunctionName​(Node n)
        Gets the function's name. This method recognizes the forms:
        • {'name': function() ...}
        • {name: function() ...}
        • function name() ...
        • var name = function() ...
        • var obj = {name() {} ...}
        • = function() ...
        • var name2 = function name1() ...
        • qualified.name2 = function name1() ...
        n - a node whose type is Token.FUNCTION
        the function's name, or null if it has no name
      • getClassMembers

        public static Node getClassMembers​(Node n)
      • getEs6ClassConstructorMemberFunctionDef

        public static @Nullable Node getEs6ClassConstructorMemberFunctionDef​(Node classNode)
      • isLiteralValue

        public static boolean isLiteralValue​(Node n,
                                             boolean includeFunctions)
        Returns true if this is a literal value. We define a literal value as any node that evaluates to the same thing regardless of when or where it is evaluated. So /xyz/ and [3, 5] are literals, but the name a is not.

        Function literals do not meet this definition, because they lexically capture variables. For example, if you have function() { return a; } If it is evaluated in a different scope, then it captures a different variable. Even if the function did not read any captured variables directly, it would still fail this definition, because it affects the lifecycle of variables in the enclosing scope.

        However, a function literal with respect to a particular scope is a literal.

        includeFunctions - If true, all function expressions will be treated as literals.
      • isEmptyBlock

        public static boolean isEmptyBlock​(Node block)
        Returns whether this a BLOCK node with no children.
        block - The node.
      • isNamespaceDecl

        public static boolean isNamespaceDecl​(Node n)
        Returns true iff this node defines a namespace, e.g.,

        /** @const * / var goog = {}; /** @const * / var goog = goog || {}; /** @const * / goog.math = goog.math || {};

      • isFromTypeSummary

        public static boolean isFromTypeSummary​(Node n)
        Determine if the given SCRIPT is a @typeSummary file, like an i.js file
      • precedence

        public static int precedence​(Token type)
        The comma operator has the lowest precedence, 0, followed by the assignment operators ( =, &=, +=, etc.) which have precedence of 1, and so on.


      • isUndefined

        public static boolean isUndefined​(Node n)
      • isNullOrUndefined

        public static boolean isNullOrUndefined​(Node n)
      • getKnownValueType

        public static NodeUtil.ValueType getKnownValueType​(Node n)
        Evaluate a node's token and attempt to determine which primitive value type it could resolve to Without proper type information some assumptions had to be made for operations that could result in a BigInt or a Number. If there is not enough information available to determine one or the other then we assume Number in order to maintain historical behavior of the compiler and avoid breaking projects that relied on this behavior.
      • isNumericResult

        public static boolean isNumericResult​(Node n)
        Returns true if the result of node evaluation is always a number
      • isBigIntResult

        public static boolean isBigIntResult​(Node n)
        Returns true if the result of node evaluation is always a bigint
      • isBooleanResult

        public static boolean isBooleanResult​(Node n)
        Whether the result of node evaluation is always a boolean
      • isStringResult

        public static boolean isStringResult​(Node n)
        Whether the result of node evaluation is always a string
      • isObjectResult

        public static boolean isObjectResult​(Node n)
        Whether the result of node evaluation is always an object
      • isAssignmentOp

        public static boolean isAssignmentOp​(Node n)
        Returns true if the operator is an assignment type operator. Note: The logical assignments (i.e. ASSIGN_OR, ASSIGN_AND, ASSIGN_COALESCE) follow short-circuiting behavior, and the RHS may not always be evaluated. They are still considered AssignmentOps (may be optimized).
      • isLogicalAssignmentOp

        public static boolean isLogicalAssignmentOp​(Node n)
        Returns true if the operator is a logical assignment type operator.
      • isCompoundAssignmentOp

        public static boolean isCompoundAssignmentOp​(Node n)
      • getEnclosingType

        public static Node getEnclosingType​(Node n,
                                            Token type)
        Gets the closest ancestor to the given node of the provided type.
      • getEnclosingClass

        public static Node getEnclosingClass​(Node n)
        Finds the class containing the given node.
      • getEnclosingModuleIfPresent

        public static Node getEnclosingModuleIfPresent​(Node n)
      • getEnclosingFunction

        public static Node getEnclosingFunction​(Node n)
        Finds the function containing the given node.
      • getEnclosingScript

        public static Node getEnclosingScript​(Node n)
        Finds the script containing the given node.
      • getEnclosingBlock

        public static Node getEnclosingBlock​(Node n)
        Finds the block containing the given node.
      • getEnclosingBlockScopeRoot

        public static Node getEnclosingBlockScopeRoot​(Node n)
      • getEnclosingScopeRoot

        public static Node getEnclosingScopeRoot​(Node n)
      • getEnclosingHoistScopeRoot

        public static Node getEnclosingHoistScopeRoot​(Node n)
        Return the nearest enclosing hoist scope root node, null for the global scope. There are currently 4 such roots to consider: the global, module, function, and class static blocks.
      • isHoistScopeRoot

        public static boolean isHoistScopeRoot​(Node n)
      • isInFunction

        public static boolean isInFunction​(Node n)
      • getEnclosingStatement

        public static Node getEnclosingStatement​(Node n)
      • getEnclosingNode

        public static Node getEnclosingNode​(Node n,
                                  <Node> pred)
      • isNormalOrOptChainGet

        public static boolean isNormalOrOptChainGet​(Node n)
      • isNormalOrOptChainGetProp

        public static boolean isNormalOrOptChainGetProp​(Node n)
        Is this a GETPROP or OPTCHAIN_GETPROP?
      • isNormalOrOptChainCall

        public static boolean isNormalOrOptChainCall​(Node n)
        Is this a CALL or OPTCHAIN_CALL?
      • isNormalGet

        public static boolean isNormalGet​(Node n)
        Is this a GETPROP or GETELEM node?
      • isOptChainGet

        public static boolean isOptChainGet​(Node n)
      • isOptChainNode

        public static boolean isOptChainNode​(Node n)
      • isNameDeclaration

        public static boolean isNameDeclaration​(Node n)
        Is this node a name declaration?
        n - The node
        True if n is VAR, LET or CONST
      • getAssignedValue

        public static @Nullable Node getAssignedValue​(Node n)
        For an assignment or variable declaration get the assigned value.
        The value node representing the new value.
      • isExprCall

        public static boolean isExprCall​(Node n)
        Is this node a call expression statement?
        n - The node
        True if n is EXPR_RESULT and n's first child is CALL
      • isEnhancedFor

        public static boolean isEnhancedFor​(Node n)
      • isAnyFor

        public static boolean isAnyFor​(Node n)
      • isLoopStructure

        public static boolean isLoopStructure​(Node n)
        Determines whether the given node is a FOR, DO, or WHILE node.
      • getLoopCodeBlock

        public static @Nullable Node getLoopCodeBlock​(Node n)
        n - The node to inspect.
        If the node, is a FOR, WHILE, or DO, it returns the node for the code BLOCK, null otherwise.
      • isControlStructure

        public static boolean isControlStructure​(Node n)
        Determines whether the given node is a FOR, DO, WHILE, WITH, or IF node.
      • isStatementBlock

        public static boolean isStatementBlock​(Node n)
        Whether the node is of a type that contain other statements.
      • isStatement

        public static boolean isStatement​(Node n)
        Whether the node is used as a statement.
      • isStatementParent

        public static boolean isStatementParent​(Node parent)
      • deleteNode

        public static void deleteNode​(Node n,
                                      AbstractCompiler compiler)
        Permanently delete the given node from the AST, as well as report the related AST changes/deletions to the given compiler.
      • deleteFunctionCall

        public static void deleteFunctionCall​(Node n,
                                              AbstractCompiler compiler)
        Permanently delete the given call from the AST while maintaining a valid node structure, as well as report the related AST changes to the given compiler. In some cases, this is done by deleting the parent from the AST and is come cases expression is replaced by undefined.
      • deleteChildren

        public static void deleteChildren​(Node n,
                                          AbstractCompiler compiler)
        Permanently delete all the children of the given node, including reporting changes.
      • removeChild

        public static void removeChild​(Node parent,
                                       Node node)
        Safely remove children while maintaining a valid node structure. In some cases, this is done by removing the parent from the AST as well.
      • replaceDeclarationChild

        public static void replaceDeclarationChild​(Node declChild,
                                                   Node newStatement)
        Replace the child of a var/let/const declaration (usually a name) with a new statement. Preserves the order of side effects for all the other declaration children.
        declChild - The name node to be replaced.
        newStatement - The statement to replace with.
      • tryMergeBlock

        public static boolean tryMergeBlock​(Node block,
                                            boolean ignoreBlockScopedDeclarations)
        Merge a block with its parent block.
        ignoreBlockScopedDeclarations - merge the block regardless of any inner block-scoped declarations that may cause name collisions. use if e.g. the AST is normalized
        Whether the block was removed.
      • canMergeBlock

        public static boolean canMergeBlock​(Node block)
        A check inside a block to see if there are const, let, class, or function declarations to be safe and not hoist them into the upper block.
        Whether the block can be removed
      • isCallOrNew

        public static boolean isCallOrNew​(Node node)
        node - A node
        Whether the call is a NEW or CALL node.
      • getFunctionBody

        public static Node getFunctionBody​(Node fn)
        Return a BLOCK node for the given FUNCTION node.
      • getCallTargetResolvingIndirectCalls

        public static Node getCallTargetResolvingIndirectCalls​(Node call)
        Returns the call target for a call expression, resolving an indirected call (`(0, foo)()`) if present.
      • isNamedExportsLiteral

        public static boolean isNamedExportsLiteral​(Node objectLiteral)
        Whether this is an assignment to 'exports' that creates named exports.
        • exports = {a, b}; // named export, returns true.
        • exports = 0; // namespace export, returns false.
        • exports = {a: 0, b}; // namespace export, returns false.
      • isFunctionDeclaration

        public static boolean isFunctionDeclaration​(Node n)
        Is this node a function declaration? A function declaration is a function that has a name that is added to the current scope (i.e. a function that is not part of a expression; see isFunctionExpression(
      • isMethodDeclaration

        public static boolean isMethodDeclaration​(Node n)
        Is this node a class or object literal member function?


           class C {
             f() {}
             get x() { return this.x_; }
             set x(v) { this.x_ = v; }
             [someExpr]() {}
           obj = {
             f() {}
             get x() { return this.x_; }
             set x(v) { this.x_ = v; }
             [someExpr]() {}
      • isClassDeclaration

        public static boolean isClassDeclaration​(Node n)
        Is this a class declaration.
      • isNameDeclOrSimpleAssignLhs

        public static boolean isNameDeclOrSimpleAssignLhs​(Node n,
                                                          Node parent)
        Determines whether this node is strictly on the left hand side of an assign or var initialization. Notably, this does not include all L-values, only statements where the node is used only as an L-value.
        n - The node
        parent - Parent of the node
        True if n is the left hand of an assign
      • isLValue

        public static boolean isLValue​(Node n)
        Determines whether this node is used as an L-value. Notice that sometimes names are used as both L-values and R-values.

        We treat "var x;" and "let x;" as an L-value because it's syntactically similar to "var x = undefined", even though it's technically not an L-value. But it kind of makes sense if you treat it as "assignment to 'undefined' at the top of the scope".

        n - The node
        True if n is an L-value.
      • isDeclarationLValue

        public static boolean isDeclarationLValue​(Node n)
        Determines whether this node is used as an L-value that is a declaration.

        x = 5; is an L-value but does not declare a variable.

      • isLhsOfAssign

        public static boolean isLhsOfAssign​(Node n)
      • isImportedName

        public static boolean isImportedName​(Node n)
      • getDeclaringParent

        public static Node getDeclaringParent​(Node targetNode)
        Returns the node that is effectively declaring the given target.


           const a = 1; // getDeclaringParent(a) returns CONST
           let {[expression]: [x = 3]} = obj; // getDeclaringParent(x) returns LET
           function foo({a, b}) {}; // getDeclaringParent(a) returns PARAM_LIST
           function foo(a = 1) {}; // getDeclaringParent(a) returns PARAM_LIST
           function foo({a, b} = obj) {}; // getDeclaringParent(a) returns PARAM_LIST
           function foo(...a) {}; // getDeclaringParent(a) returns PARAM_LIST
           function foo() {}; // gotRootTarget(foo) returns FUNCTION
           class foo {}; // gotRootTarget(foo) returns CLASS
           import foo from './foo'; // getDeclaringParent(foo) returns IMPORT
           import {foo} from './foo'; // getDeclaringParent(foo) returns IMPORT
           import {foo as bar} from './foo'; // getDeclaringParent(bar) returns IMPORT
           } catch (err) { // getDeclaringParent(err) returns CATCH
        targetNode - a NAME, OBJECT_PATTERN, or ARRAY_PATTERN
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if targetNode is not actually used as a declaration target
      • getRootTarget

        public static Node getRootTarget​(Node targetNode)
        Returns the outermost target enclosing the given assignment target.

        Returns targetNode itself if there is no enclosing target.


           const a = 1; // getRootTarget(a) returns a
           let {[expression]: [x = 3]} = obj; // getRootTarget(x) returns {[expression]: [x = 3]}
           {a = 1} = obj; // getRootTarget(a) returns {a = 1}
           {[expression]: [x = 3]} = obj; // getRootTarget(x) returns {[expression]: [x = 3]}
           function foo({a, b}) {}; // getRootTarget(a) returns {a, b}
           function foo(a = 1) {}; // getRootTarget(a) returns a
           function foo({a, b} = obj) {}; // getRootTarget(a) returns a
           function foo(...a) {}; // getRootTarget(a) returns a
           function foo() {}; // gotRootTarget(foo) returns foo
           class foo {}; // gotRootTarget(foo) returns foo
           import foo from './foo'; // getRootTarget(foo) returns foo
           import {foo} from './foo'; // getRootTarget(foo) returns foo
           import {foo as bar} from './foo'; // getRootTarget(bar) returns bar
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if targetNode is not actually used as a target
      • isLhsByDestructuring

        public static boolean isLhsByDestructuring​(Node n)
        Returns true if the node is a lhs value of a destructuring assignment.

        For example, x in var [x] = [1];, var [...x] = [1];, and var {a: x} = {a: 1} or a.b in ([a.b] = [1]); or ({key: a.b} = {key: 1});

      • opToStr

        public static @Nullable java.lang.String opToStr​(Token operator)
        Converts an operator's token value (see Token) to a string representation.
        operator - the operator's token value to convert
        the string representation or null if the token value is not an operator
      • newDeclaration

        public static Node newDeclaration​(Node lhs,
                                          @Nullable Node rhs,
                                          Token declarationType)
      • newQName

        public static Node newQName​(AbstractCompiler compiler,
                                    java.lang.String name)
        Creates a node representing a qualified name.
        name - A qualified name (e.g. "foo" or "")
        A NAME or GETPROP node
      • newPropertyAccess

        public static Node newPropertyAccess​(AbstractCompiler compiler,
                                             Node context,
                                             java.lang.String name)
        Creates a property access on the context tree.
      • newQNameDeclaration

        public static Node newQNameDeclaration​(AbstractCompiler compiler,
                                               java.lang.String name,
                                               Node value,
                                               JSDocInfo info)
        Creates a node representing a qualified name.
        name - A qualified name (e.g. "foo" or "")
        A VAR node, or an EXPR_RESULT node containing an ASSIGN or NAME node.
      • newQNameDeclaration

        public static Node newQNameDeclaration​(AbstractCompiler compiler,
                                               java.lang.String name,
                                               Node value,
                                               JSDocInfo info,
                                               Token type)
        Creates a node representing a qualified name.
        name - A qualified name (e.g. "foo" or "")
        type - Must be VAR, CONST, or LET. Ignored if name is dotted.
        A VAR/CONST/LET node, or an EXPR_RESULT node containing an ASSIGN or NAME node.
      • getRootOfQualifiedName

        public static Node getRootOfQualifiedName​(Node qName)
        Gets the root node of a qualified name. Must be either NAME, THIS or SUPER.
      • isValidQualifiedName

        @InlineMe(replacement="NodeUtil.isValidQualifiedName(mode.toFeatureSet(), name)",
        public static boolean isValidQualifiedName​(CompilerOptions.LanguageMode mode,
                                                   java.lang.String name)
      • isValidQualifiedName

        public static boolean isValidQualifiedName​(FeatureSet mode,
                                                   java.lang.String name)
        Determines whether the given name is a valid qualified name.
      • visitLhsNodesInNode

        public static void visitLhsNodesInNode​(Node assigningParent,
                                               java.util.function.Consumer<Node> consumer)
        Retrieves lhs nodes declared or assigned in a given assigning parent node.

        An assigning parent node is one that assigns a value to one or more LHS nodes.

      • isObjectDefinePropertiesDefinition

        public static boolean isObjectDefinePropertiesDefinition​(Node n)
        Returns true if the node is a definition with Object.defineProperties
      • isPrototypePropertyDeclaration

        public static boolean isPrototypePropertyDeclaration​(Node n)
        true if the node an assignment to a prototype property of some constructor.
      • newUndefinedNode

        public static Node newUndefinedNode​(Node srcReferenceNode)
        Create a node for an empty result expression: "void 0"
      • emptyFunction

        public static Node emptyFunction()
      • has

        public static boolean has​(Node node,
                        <Node> pred,
                        <Node> traverseChildrenPred)
        Whether the predicate is true for the node or any of its descendants.
      • findPreorder

        public static @Nullable Node findPreorder​(Node node,
                                        <Node> pred,
                                        <Node> traverseChildrenPred)
        Returns the first Node matching the given pred via a pre-order traversal.
      • getCount

        public static int getCount​(Node n,
                         <Node> pred,
                         <Node> traverseChildrenPred)
        The number of times the predicate is true for the node or any of its descendants.
      • visitPreOrder

        public static void visitPreOrder​(Node node,
                                         NodeUtil.Visitor visitor)
        A pre-order traversal, calling Visitor.visit for each decendent.
      • visitPreOrder

        public static void visitPreOrder​(Node node,
                                         NodeUtil.Visitor visitor,
                               <Node> traverseChildrenPred)
        A pre-order traversal, calling Visitor.visit for each node in the tree. Children of nodes that do not match the predicate will not be visited.
      • visitPostOrder

        public static void visitPostOrder​(Node node,
                                          NodeUtil.Visitor visitor)
        A post-order traversal, calling Visitor.visit for each decendent.
      • visitPostOrder

        public static void visitPostOrder​(Node node,
                                          NodeUtil.Visitor visitor,
                                <Node> traverseChildrenPred)
        A post-order traversal, calling Visitor.visit for each node in the tree. Children of nodes that do not match the predicate will not be visited.
      • preOrderIterable

        public static java.lang.Iterable<Node> preOrderIterable​(Node root,
                                                      <Node> travserseNodePredicate)
        Create an Iterable over the given node and all descendents. Nodes are given in depth-first pre-order ( document source order).

        This has the benefit over the visitor patten that it is iterative and can be used with Java 8 Stream API for searching, filtering, transforms, and other functional processing.

        The given predicate determines whether a node's children will be iterated over. If a node does not match the predicate, none of its children will be visited.

        root - Root of the tree.
        travserseNodePredicate - Matches nodes in the tree whose children should be traversed.
        See Also:
      • getFunctionParameters

        public static Node getFunctionParameters​(Node fnNode)
        fnNode - The function.
        The Node containing the Function parameters.
      • getSourceName

        public static java.lang.String getSourceName​(Node n)
        n - The node.
        The source name property on the node or its ancestors.
      • getSourceFile

        public static StaticSourceFile getSourceFile​(Node n)
        n - The node.
        The source name property on the node or its ancestors.
      • getInputId

        public static @Nullable InputId getInputId​(Node n)
        n - The node.
        The InputId property on the node or its ancestors.
      • getDeclaredTypeExpression

        public static @Nullable JSTypeExpression getDeclaredTypeExpression​(Node declaration)
        Return declared JSDoc type for the given name declaration, or null if none present.
      • getBestJSDocInfo

        public static @Nullable JSDocInfo getBestJSDocInfo​(Node n)
        Find the best JSDoc for the given node.
      • getBestJSDocInfoNode

        public static @Nullable Node getBestJSDocInfoNode​(Node n)
      • getBestLValue

        public static @Nullable Node getBestLValue​(Node n)
        Find the l-value that the given r-value is being assigned to.
      • getRValueOfLValue

        public static @Nullable Node getRValueOfLValue​(Node n)
        Gets the r-value (or initializer) of a node returned by getBestLValue.
      • getBestLValueName

        public static @Nullable java.lang.String getBestLValueName​(@Nullable Node lValue)
        Get the name of the given l-value node.
      • isExpressionResultUsed

        public static boolean isExpressionResultUsed​(Node expr)
        true iff the result of the expression is consumed.
      • countAstSize

        public static int countAstSize​(Node n)
      • isGoogProvideCall

        public static boolean isGoogProvideCall​(Node n)
      • isGoogModuleCall

        public static boolean isGoogModuleCall​(Node n)
      • isTopLevel

        public static boolean isTopLevel​(Node n)
      • isEs6ConstructorMemberFunctionDef

        public static boolean isEs6ConstructorMemberFunctionDef​(Node memberFunctionDef)
      • isEs6Constructor

        public static boolean isEs6Constructor​(Node fnNode)
      • isCallTo

        public static boolean isCallTo​(Node n,
                                       java.lang.String qualifiedName)
      • isCallTo

        public static boolean isCallTo​(Node n,
                                       QualifiedName qualifiedName)
      • isCallTo

        public static boolean isCallTo​(Node n,
                                       Node targetMethod)
        A faster version of isCallTo(Node, String).
        n - node to check if a call
        targetMethod - the prebuilt AST getprop node that represents the method to check
      • collectExternVariableNames

        public static<java.lang.String> collectExternVariableNames​(AbstractCompiler compiler,
                                                                                                          Node externs)
      • markFunctionsDeleted

        public static void markFunctionsDeleted​(Node node,
                                                AbstractCompiler compiler)
        Recurses through a tree, marking all function nodes deleted.
      • getParentChangeScopeNodes

        public static java.util.List<Node> getParentChangeScopeNodes​(java.util.List<Node> scopeNodes)
        Returns the list of scope nodes which are parents of the provided list of scope nodes.
      • removeNestedChangeScopeNodes

        public static java.util.List<Node> removeNestedChangeScopeNodes​(java.util.List<Node> scopeNodes)
        Removes any scope nodes from the provided list that are nested within some other scope node also in the list. Returns the modified list.
      • isObjLitProperty

        public static boolean isObjLitProperty​(Node node)
        Returns true if the node is a property of an object literal.
      • isBlocklessArrowFunctionResult

        public static boolean isBlocklessArrowFunctionResult​(Node n)
        Whether the node represents the return value of a blockless Arrow function
      • getParamOrPatternNames

        public static void getParamOrPatternNames​(Node n,
                                                  java.util.function.Consumer<Node> cb)
        Calls cb with all NAMEs declared in a PARAM_LIST or destructuring pattern.
      • getGoogRequireInfo

        public static @Nullable NodeUtil.GoogRequire getGoogRequireInfo​(java.lang.String name,
                                                                        Scope scope)
      • estimateNumLines

        public static int estimateNumLines​(Node scriptNode)
        Estimates the number of lines in the file of this script node.

        This method returns the line number of the last node in the script +1. This is not strictly the number of lines in the file (consider trailing comments or whitespace), but should be strongly correlated with it. If perfect accuracy is desired the original source file will have to be read.