Class Renderer

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  Renderer.ImagesCache  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void assignStyleMap​(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> styleMap, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​KmlStyle> styles)
      Iterates through a list of styles and assigns a style
      java.util.Set<Feature> getFeatures()
      Gets a set containing Features
      java.util.HashMap<KmlGroundOverlay,​> getGroundOverlayMap()
      Gets the ground overlays on the current layer getMap()
      Gets the GoogleMap that Feature objects are being placed on
      java.util.Collection<java.lang.Object> getValues()
      getValues is called to retrieve the values stored in the mFeatures hashmap.
      boolean isLayerOnMap()
      Checks if layer has been added to map
      void setMap​( map)
      Sets the map that objects are being placed on
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Renderer

        public Renderer​( map,
                        android.content.Context context,
                        MarkerManager markerManager,
                        PolygonManager polygonManager,
                        PolylineManager polylineManager,
                        GroundOverlayManager groundOverlayManager,
                        Renderer.ImagesCache imagesCache)
        Creates a new Renderer object for KML features
        map - map to place objects on
        context - the Context
        markerManager - marker manager to create marker collection from
        polygonManager - polygon manager to create polygon collection from
        polylineManager - polyline manager to create polyline collection from
        groundOverlayManager - ground overlay manager to create ground overlay collection from
        imagesCache - an optional ImagesCache to be used for caching images fetched
      • Renderer

        public Renderer​( map,
                        java.util.HashMap<? extends Feature,​java.lang.Object> features,
                        MarkerManager markerManager,
                        PolygonManager polygonManager,
                        PolylineManager polylineManager,
                        GroundOverlayManager groundOverlayManager)
        Creates a new Renderer object for GeoJSON features
        map - map to place objects on
        features - contains a hashmap of features and objects that will go on the map
        markerManager - marker manager to create marker collection from
        polygonManager - polygon manager to create polygon collection from
        polylineManager - polyline manager to create polyline collection from
        groundOverlayManager - ground overlay manager to create ground overlay collection from
    • Method Detail

      • isLayerOnMap

        public boolean isLayerOnMap()
        Checks if layer has been added to map
        true if layer is on map, false otherwise
      • getMap

        public getMap()
        Gets the GoogleMap that Feature objects are being placed on
      • setMap

        public void setMap​( map)
        Sets the map that objects are being placed on
        map - map to place all objects on
      • getFeatures

        public java.util.Set<Feature> getFeatures()
        Gets a set containing Features
        set containing Features
      • getValues

        public java.util.Collection<java.lang.Object> getValues()
        getValues is called to retrieve the values stored in the mFeatures hashmap.
        mFeatures.values() collection of values stored in mFeatures
      • getGroundOverlayMap

        public java.util.HashMap<KmlGroundOverlay,​> getGroundOverlayMap()
        Gets the ground overlays on the current layer
        mGroundOverlayMap hashmap contains the ground overlays
      • assignStyleMap

        public void assignStyleMap​(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> styleMap,
                                   java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,​KmlStyle> styles)
        Iterates through a list of styles and assigns a style
        styleMap -
        styles -