Class PlacesApi

  • public class PlacesApi
    extends java.lang.Object
    Performs a text search for places. The Google Places API enables you to get data from the same database used by Google Maps and Google+ Local. Places features more than 100 million businesses and points of interest that are updated frequently through owner-verified listings and user-moderated contributions.

    See also: Places API Web Service documentation.

    • Method Detail

      • nearbySearchQuery

        public static NearbySearchRequest nearbySearchQuery​(GeoApiContext context,
                                                            LatLng location)
        Performs a search for nearby Places.
        context - The context on which to make Geo API requests.
        location - The latitude/longitude around which to retrieve place information.
        Returns a NearbySearchRequest that can be configured and executed.
      • nearbySearchNextPage

        public static NearbySearchRequest nearbySearchNextPage​(GeoApiContext context,
                                                               java.lang.String nextPageToken)
        Retrieves the next page of Nearby Search results. The nextPageToken, returned in a PlacesSearchResponse when there are more pages of results, encodes all of the original Nearby Search Request parameters, which are thus not required on this call.
        context - The context on which to make Geo API requests.
        nextPageToken - The nextPageToken returned as part of a PlacesSearchResponse.
        Returns a NearbySearchRequest that can be executed.
      • textSearchQuery

        public static TextSearchRequest textSearchQuery​(GeoApiContext context,
                                                        java.lang.String query)
        Performs a search for Places using a text query; for example, "pizza in New York" or "shoe stores near Ottawa".
        context - The context on which to make Geo API requests.
        query - The text string on which to search, for example: "restaurant".
        Returns a TextSearchRequest that can be configured and executed.
      • textSearchQuery

        public static TextSearchRequest textSearchQuery​(GeoApiContext context,
                                                        java.lang.String query,
                                                        LatLng location)
        Performs a search for Places using a text query; for example, "pizza in New York" or "shoe stores near Ottawa".
        context - The context on which to make Geo API requests.
        query - The text string on which to search, for example: "restaurant".
        location - The latitude/longitude around which to retrieve place information.
        Returns a TextSearchRequest that can be configured and executed.
      • textSearchQuery

        public static TextSearchRequest textSearchQuery​(GeoApiContext context,
                                                        PlaceType type)
        Performs a search for Places using a PlaceType parameter.
        context - The context on which to make Geo API requests.
        type - Restricts the results to places matching the specified PlaceType.
        Returns a TextSearchRequest that can be configured and executed.
      • textSearchNextPage

        public static TextSearchRequest textSearchNextPage​(GeoApiContext context,
                                                           java.lang.String nextPageToken)
        Retrieves the next page of Text Search results. The nextPageToken, returned in a PlacesSearchResponse when there are more pages of results, encodes all of the original Text Search Request parameters, which are thus not required on this call.
        context - The context on which to make Geo API requests.
        nextPageToken - The nextPageToken returned as part of a PlacesSearchResponse.
        Returns a TextSearchRequest that can be executed.
      • placeDetails

        public static PlaceDetailsRequest placeDetails​(GeoApiContext context,
                                                       java.lang.String placeId,
                                                       PlaceAutocompleteRequest.SessionToken sessionToken)
        Requests the details of a Place.

        We are only enabling looking up Places by placeId as the older Place identifier, reference, is deprecated. Please see the deprecation warning.

        context - The context on which to make Geo API requests.
        placeId - The PlaceID to request details on.
        sessionToken - The Session Token for this request.
        Returns a PlaceDetailsRequest that you can configure and execute.
      • placeDetails

        public static PlaceDetailsRequest placeDetails​(GeoApiContext context,
                                                       java.lang.String placeId)
        Requests the details of a Place.

        We are only enabling looking up Places by placeId as the older Place identifier, reference, is deprecated. Please see the deprecation warning.

        context - The context on which to make Geo API requests.
        placeId - The PlaceID to request details on.
        Returns a PlaceDetailsRequest that you can configure and execute.
      • photo

        public static PhotoRequest photo​(GeoApiContext context,
                                         java.lang.String photoReference)
        Requests a Photo from a PhotoReference.

        Note: If you want to use a Photo in a web browser, please retrieve the photos for a place via our JavaScript Places Library. Likewise, on Android, Places Photos can be retrieved using the Google Places API for Android.

        context - The context on which to make Geo API requests.
        photoReference - The reference to the photo to retrieve.
        Returns a PhotoRequest that you can execute.
      • placeAutocomplete

        public static PlaceAutocompleteRequest placeAutocomplete​(GeoApiContext context,
                                                                 java.lang.String input,
                                                                 PlaceAutocompleteRequest.SessionToken sessionToken)
        Creates a new Places Autocomplete request for a given input. The Place Autocomplete service can match on full words as well as substrings. Applications can therefore send queries as the user types, to provide on-the-fly place predictions.
        context - The context on which to make Geo API requests.
        input - input is the text string on which to search.
        sessionToken - Session token, to make sure requests are billed per session, instead of per character.
        Returns a PlaceAutocompleteRequest that you can configure and execute.
      • queryAutocomplete

        public static QueryAutocompleteRequest queryAutocomplete​(GeoApiContext context,
                                                                 java.lang.String input)
        Allows you to add on-the-fly geographic query predictions to your application.
        context - The context on which to make Geo API requests.
        input - input is the text string on which to search.
        Returns a QueryAutocompleteRequest that you can configure and execute.
      • findPlaceFromText

        public static FindPlaceFromTextRequest findPlaceFromText​(GeoApiContext context,
                                                                 java.lang.String input,
                                                                 FindPlaceFromTextRequest.InputType inputType)
        Find places using either search text, or a phone number.
        context - The context on which to make Geo API requests.
        input - The input to search on.
        inputType - Whether the input is search text, or a phone number.
        Returns a FindPlaceFromTextRequest that you can configure and execute.