Class PlaceDetails.Review

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public static class PlaceDetails.Review
    extends java.lang.Object
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      PlaceDetails.Review.AspectRating[] aspects
      A list of AspectRating objects, each of which provides a rating of a single attribute of the establishment.
      java.lang.String authorName
      The name of the user who submitted the review. authorUrl
      The URL of the user's Google+ profile, if available.
      java.lang.String language
      An IETF language code indicating the language used in the user's review.
      java.lang.String profilePhotoUrl
      The URL of the user's Google+ profile photo, if available.
      int rating
      The user's overall rating for this place.
      java.lang.String relativeTimeDescription
      The relative time that the review was submitted.
      java.lang.String text
      The user's review.
      java.time.Instant time
      The time that the review was submitted.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • aspects

        public PlaceDetails.Review.AspectRating[] aspects
        A list of AspectRating objects, each of which provides a rating of a single attribute of the establishment.

        Note: this is a Premium Data field available to the Google Places API for Work customers.

      • authorName

        public java.lang.String authorName
        The name of the user who submitted the review. Anonymous reviews are attributed to "A Google user".
      • authorUrl

        public authorUrl
        The URL of the user's Google+ profile, if available.
      • language

        public java.lang.String language
        An IETF language code indicating the language used in the user's review.
      • profilePhotoUrl

        public java.lang.String profilePhotoUrl
        The URL of the user's Google+ profile photo, if available.
      • rating

        public int rating
        The user's overall rating for this place. This is a whole number, ranging from 1 to 5.
      • relativeTimeDescription

        public java.lang.String relativeTimeDescription
        The relative time that the review was submitted.
      • text

        public java.lang.String text
        The user's review. When reviewing a location with Google Places, text reviews are considered optional.
      • time

        public java.time.Instant time
        The time that the review was submitted.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Review

        public Review()