Class IntegerSubject

  • public class IntegerSubject
    extends ComparableSubject<java.lang.Integer>
    Propositions for Integer subjects.
    David Saff, Christian Gruber ([email protected]), Kurt Alfred Kluever
    • Constructor Detail

      • IntegerSubject

        protected IntegerSubject​(FailureMetadata metadata,
                                 @Nullable java.lang.Integer actual)
        Constructor for use by subclasses. If you want to create an instance of this class itself, call check(...).that(actual).
    • Method Detail

      • isWithin

        public IntegerSubject.TolerantIntegerComparison isWithin​(int tolerance)
        Prepares for a check that the subject is a number within the given tolerance of an expected value that will be provided in the next call in the fluent chain.
        tolerance - an inclusive upper bound on the difference between the subject and object allowed by the check, which must be a non-negative value.
      • isNotWithin

        public IntegerSubject.TolerantIntegerComparison isNotWithin​(int tolerance)
        Prepares for a check that the subject is a number not within the given tolerance of an expected value that will be provided in the next call in the fluent chain.
        tolerance - an exclusive lower bound on the difference between the subject and object allowed by the check, which must be a non-negative value.