Interface MetadataLoader

  • public interface MetadataLoader
    Interface for clients to specify a customized phone metadata loader, useful for Android apps to load Android resources since the library loads Java resources by default, e.g. with AssetManager. Note that implementation owners have the responsibility to ensure this is thread-safe.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description loadMetadata​(java.lang.String metadataFileName)
      Returns an input stream corresponding to the metadata to load.
    • Method Detail

      • loadMetadata loadMetadata​(java.lang.String metadataFileName)
        Returns an input stream corresponding to the metadata to load. This method may be called concurrently so implementations must be thread-safe.
        metadataFileName - file name (including path) of metadata to load. File path is an absolute class path like /com/google/i18n/phonenumbers/data/PhoneNumberMetadataProto
        the input stream for the metadata file. The library will close this stream after it is done. Return null in case the metadata file could not be found