All Classes and Interfaces

A formatter which formats phone numbers as they are entered.
A MetadataLoader implementation that reads phone number metadata files as classpath resources.
Provides metadata init and source dependencies when metadata is stored in multi-file mode and loaded as a classpath resource.
A source of formatting phone metadata.
Utility class for checking whether identifiers region code and country calling code belong to geographical entities.
Internal phonenumber matching API used to isolate the underlying implementation of the matcher and allow different implementations to be swapped in easily.
MetadataBootstrappingGuard<T extends>
Guard that ensures that metadata bootstrapping process (loading and parsing) is triggered only once per metadata file.
Interface for clients to specify a customized phone metadata loader, useful for Android apps to load Android resources since the library loads Java resources by default, e.g.
Exposes single method for parsing InputStream content into Collection of Phonemetadata.PhoneMetadata
A source of phone metadata split by different regions.
Implementation of MetadataSource guarded by MetadataBootstrappingGuard.
Exception class for cases when expected metadata cannot be found.
PhoneMetadataFileNameProvider implementation which appends key as a suffix to the predefined metadata file name base.
A source of phone metadata for non-geographical entities.
Generic exception class for errors encountered when parsing phone numbers.
The reason that a string could not be interpreted as a phone number.
Provides a dummy builder to 'emulate' the API of the code generated by the latest version of Protocol Buffers.
Provides a dummy builder.
Provides a dummy builder.
Provides a dummy builder.
Abstraction responsible for inferring the metadata file name.
The immutable match of a phone number within a piece of text.
Utility for international phone numbers.
Leniency when finding potential phone numbers in text segments.
Types of phone number matches.
INTERNATIONAL and NATIONAL formats are consistent with the definition in ITU-T Recommendation E.123.
Type of phone numbers.
Possible outcomes when testing if a PhoneNumber is possible.
Implementation of the matcher API using the regular expressions in the PhoneNumberDesc proto message to match numbers.
LRU Cache for compiled regular expressions used by the libphonenumbers libary.
A source of phone metadata split by geographical regions.
Methods for getting information about short phone numbers, such as short codes and emergency numbers.
Cost categories of short numbers.
PhoneMetadataFileNameProvider implementation that returns the same metadata file name for each key