Interface FormattingMetadataSource

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface FormattingMetadataSource
A source of formatting phone metadata.
  • Method Details

    • getFormattingMetadataForCountryCallingCode

      Phonemetadata.PhoneMetadata getFormattingMetadataForCountryCallingCode(int countryCallingCode)
      Returns formatting phone metadata for provided country calling code.

      This method is similar to the one in NonGeographicalEntityMetadataSource.getMetadataForNonGeographicalRegion(int), except that it will not fail for geographical regions, it can be used for both geo- and non-geo entities.

      In case the provided countryCallingCode maps to several different regions, only one would contain formatting metadata.

      the phone metadata for provided countryCallingCode, or null if there is none.