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BaseFirestoreRepository<EI extends FireStoreEntity> - Class in com.googlecode.luceneappengine.firestore
Base Firestore repository.
BaseFirestoreRepository(Firestore, Class<EI>, FirestoreCollectionMapper) - Constructor for class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.firestore.BaseFirestoreRepository
Base constructor.
bytes - Variable in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.SegmentHunk
Bytes of the segment


clazz - Variable in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.firestore.BaseFirestoreRepository
Repository class
close() - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeDirectory
collectionName - Variable in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.firestore.BaseFirestoreRepository
Firestore collection.
com.googlecode.luceneappengine - package com.googlecode.luceneappengine
com.googlecode.luceneappengine.firestore - package com.googlecode.luceneappengine.firestore
com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model - package com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model
com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.repository - package com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.repository
createOutput(String, IOContext) - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeDirectory
createTempOutput(String, String, IOContext) - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeDirectory


delete() - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeDirectory
Delete this directory.
deleteFile(String) - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeDirectory


fileLength(String) - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeDirectory
findAll() - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.repository.LuceneIndexRepository
Returns the available indexs.
findAll(Class<E>) - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.firestore.BaseFirestoreRepository
Base method to return all elements of a class.
findRefById(String) - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.repository.LuceneIndexRepository
Return the firestore document reference.
firestore - Variable in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.firestore.BaseFirestoreRepository
firestore - Variable in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.repository.LaeContext
The firestore reference.
firestoreCollectionMapper - Variable in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.firestore.BaseFirestoreRepository
Firestore collection mapper.
firestoreCollectionMapper - Variable in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.repository.LaeContext
The collection mapper.
FirestoreCollectionMapper - Class in com.googlecode.luceneappengine.firestore
A class that maps the collections in firestore.
FirestoreCollectionMapper() - Constructor for class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.firestore.FirestoreCollectionMapper
FireStoreEntity - Interface in com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model
Sealed interface that collects every Firestore serialized entity.


GaeDirectory - Class in com.googlecode.luceneappengine
Lucene Directory working in google app engine (GAE) environment.
GaeDirectory(LaeContext) - Constructor for class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeDirectory
Create a GaeDirectory with default name "defaultIndex".
GaeDirectory(LaeContext, LuceneIndex) - Constructor for class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeDirectory
Create a GaeDirectory for existing index.
GaeDirectory(LaeContext, String) - Constructor for class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeDirectory
Create a GaeDirectory with specified name, the name specified must be a legal DocumentId name.
GaeLock - Class in com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model
Class representing a lock used during indexing operations.
GaeLock(String) - Constructor for class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.GaeLock
Create an index lock.
GaeLuceneUtil - Class in com.googlecode.luceneappengine
Class that provides configuration utility in order to use GaeDirectory.
GaeLuceneUtil() - Constructor for class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeLuceneUtil
getAvailableIndexes(LaeContext) - Static method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeDirectory
Returns every available indexes created into your GAE application.
getBytes() - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.SegmentHunk
Return the bytes of the segment
getCollectionName(Class<EI>) - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.firestore.FirestoreCollectionMapper
Return the firestore collection given the class.
getContent() - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.SegmentHunk
Getter for firestore
getHunk(LaeContext, DocumentReference, int) - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.Segment
Return a specific hunk in the segment.
getIndexWriterConfig(Analyzer) - Static method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeLuceneUtil
Method that return IndexWriterConfig properly configured in order to work in google app engine environment.
getOrCreate(String) - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.repository.LuceneIndexRepository
Return and index of a name.
getPendingDeletions() - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeDirectory


hunkCount - Variable in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.Segment
The number of hunks.


id - Variable in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.SegmentHunk
The segment id.


LaeContext - Class in com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.repository
A context to bind services.
LaeContext(Firestore) - Constructor for class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.repository.LaeContext
Create a context for a given firestore.
lastModified - Variable in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.Segment
The last modified date.
length - Variable in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.Segment
The file length
listAll() - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeDirectory
locked - Variable in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.GaeLock
A boolean that represent if the lock is locked.
LuceneIndex - Class in com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model
Class representing a GAE store index.
LuceneIndex(String) - Constructor for class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.LuceneIndex
Create an index with a name.
luceneIndexRepository - Variable in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.repository.LaeContext
The lucene index repository.
LuceneIndexRepository - Class in com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.repository
A repository to manage CRUD on LuceneIndex.
LuceneIndexRepository(Firestore, FirestoreCollectionMapper) - Constructor for class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.repository.LuceneIndexRepository
Create a Repository for LuceneIndex


MAX_BYTES_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.SegmentHunk
Calculated max number of bytes.


name - Variable in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.GaeLock
The lock name
name - Variable in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.Segment
The filename
newHunk() - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.Segment
Create a new segment hunk.
newSegment(String) - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeDirectory
Create a new file in the index.


openInput(String, IOContext) - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeDirectory


rename(String, String) - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeDirectory
runInTransaction(Transaction.Function<T>) - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.firestore.BaseFirestoreRepository
An utility method to run transactions


saveIndex(LuceneIndex) - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.repository.LuceneIndexRepository
Save the index in the datastore.
Segment - Class in com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model
A file in the index.
Segment(String) - Constructor for class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.Segment
Create a new segment.
SegmentHunk - Class in com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model
A portion of a file in the index.
SegmentHunk(String) - Constructor for class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.SegmentHunk
Create a segment hunk with a specific id.
setBytes(byte[]) - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.SegmentHunk
Setter in bytes.
setContent(Blob) - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.SegmentHunk
Setter for firestore
sync(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeDirectory
syncMetaData() - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.GaeDirectory


toString() - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.Segment
toString() - Method in class com.googlecode.luceneappengine.model.SegmentHunk
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