Class WriteEngine

  • public class WriteEngine
    extends Object
    This is the master logic for saving and deleting entities from the datastore. It provides the fundamental operations that enable the rest of the API. One of these engines is created for every operation; upon completion, it is thrown away.
    Jeff Schnitzer
    • Field Detail

      • ads

        protected final ads
      • session

        protected final Session session
      • deferrer

        protected final Deferrer deferrer
    • Constructor Detail

      • WriteEngine

        public WriteEngine​(ObjectifyImpl<?> ofy,
                           Session session,
                           Deferrer deferrer)
    • Method Detail

      • save

        public <E> Result<Map<Key<E>,​E>> save​(Iterable<? extends E> entities)
        The fundamental put() operation.
      • delete

        public Result<Void> delete​(Iterable<> keys)
        The fundamental delete() operation.