Interface IAccordionListener

    • Method Detail

      • isCreateEventEnabled

        boolean isCreateEventEnabled()
        Indicates whether the 'create' event is enabled.
        If true, the onActivate(AjaxRequestTarget, int, ITab) event will be triggered on 'create'

        Warning: 'create' event is required to be enabled for the AjaxTab to load
        true by default
      • isActivateEventEnabled

        boolean isActivateEventEnabled()
        Indicates whether the 'activate' event is enabled.
        If true, the onActivate(AjaxRequestTarget, int, ITab) event will be triggered on 'activate'

        Warning: 'activate' event is required to be enabled for the AjaxTab to load
        true by default
      • onActivate

        void onActivate​(org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget target,
                        int index,
                        org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.tabs.ITab tab)
        Triggered when an accordion tab has been activated (on 'create' and/or 'activate' event).
        target - the AjaxRequestTarget
        index - the accordion header that triggered this event
        tab - the ITab that corresponds to the index