Class WindowButtonUtils

  • public class WindowButtonUtils
    extends Object
    Utility class for WindowButtons
    Sebastien Briquet - sebfz1
    • Method Detail

      • setDefaultFormProcessing

        public static void setDefaultFormProcessing​(WindowButtons buttons,
                                                    boolean processing)
        Helper that applies #setDefaultFormProcessing to the list of WindowButtons

        Warning: the WindowButtons supplied in argument will be modified
        buttons - the list of WindowButton
        processing - whether the form will be validated and updated
      • setDefaultFormProcessing

        public static void setDefaultFormProcessing​(List<WindowButton> buttons,
                                                    boolean processing)
        Helper that applies #setDefaultFormProcessing to the list of WindowButtons

        Warning: the WindowButtons supplied in the list argument will be modified
        buttons - the list of WindowButton
        processing - whether the form will be validated and updated