Class KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
FileSystemKeyStoreKeyingDataProvider, PKCS11KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider

public abstract class KeyStoreKeyingDataProvider extends Object implements KeyingDataProvider
A KeyStore-based implementation of KeyingDataProvider. The keystore is loaded on first access (thread-safe).

The following procedure is done to get the signing certificate:

  1. Get all the X509Certificates in private key entries
  2. Invoke the supplied SigningCertificateSelector to choose the certificate and thus the entry
  3. Get the entry alias matching the selected certificate
  4. Get the certificate chain for that entry

The following procedure is done to get the signing key:

  1. Get the entry alias matching the provided certificate
  2. Get the protection to access that entry
  3. Return the entry's private key
See Also: