Interface PathDetailsBuilder

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPathDetailsBuilder, AverageSpeedDetails, BooleanDetails, ConstantDetailsBuilder, DecimalDetails, DistanceDetails, EdgeIdDetails, EdgeKeyDetails, EnumDetails, IntDetails, IntersectionDetails, KVStringDetails, StringDetails, TimeDetails, WeightDetails

public interface PathDetailsBuilder
Calculate details for a path and keeps the AbstractPathDetailsBuilder corresponding to this detail. Every PathDetailsBuilder is responsible for a set of values, for example the speed. On request it can provide the current value as well as a check if the value is different to the last.
Robin Boldt
  • Method Details

    • isEdgeDifferentToLastEdge

      boolean isEdgeDifferentToLastEdge(EdgeIteratorState edge)
    • build

    • startInterval

      void startInterval(int firstIndex)
    • endInterval

      void endInterval(int lastIndex)
    • getName

      String getName()