Class QueryTransformer

  • @PublicApi
    public class QueryTransformer
    extends java.lang.Object
    Helps to transform a Document (or parts of it) and tracks at the same time the corresponding Schema types.

    This is an important distinction to just traversing the Document without any type information: Each field has a clearly defined type. See QueryVisitorFieldEnvironment.

    Furthermore are the built in Directives skip/include automatically evaluated: if parts of the Document should be ignored they will not be visited. But this is not a full evaluation of a Query: every fragment will be visited/followed regardless of the type condition.

    It also doesn't consider field merging, which means for example { user{firstName} user{firstName}} will result in four visitField calls.

    • Method Detail

      • transform

        public Node transform​(QueryVisitor queryVisitor)
        Visits the Document in pre-order and allows to transform it using TreeTransformerUtil methods. Please note that fragment spreads are not followed and need to be processed explicitly by supplying them as root.
        queryVisitor - the query visitor that will be called back.
        changed root
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if there are multiple root nodes.