Interface QueryDirectives

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface QueryDirectives
    This gives you access to the immediate directives on a MergedField. This does not include directives on parent fields or fragment containers.

    Because a MergedField can actually have multiple fields and hence directives on each field instance its possible that there is more than one directive named "foo" on the merged field. How you decide which one to use is up to your code.

    NOTE: A future version of the interface will try to add access to the inherited directives from parent fields and fragments. This proved to be a non-trivial problem and hence we decide to give access to immediate field directives and provide this holder interface, so we can add the other directives in the future

    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getImmediateAppliedDirectivesByName

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<QueryAppliedDirective>> getImmediateAppliedDirectivesByName()
        This will return a map of the applied directives that are immediately on a merged field
        a map of all the applied directives immediately on this merged field
      • getImmediateAppliedDirective

        java.util.List<QueryAppliedDirective> getImmediateAppliedDirective​(java.lang.String directiveName)
        This will return a list of the named applied directives that are immediately on this merged field. Read above for why this is a list of applied directives and not just one
        directiveName - the named directive
        a list of the named applied directives that are immediately on this merged field
      • getImmediateDirectivesByName

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<GraphQLDirective>> getImmediateDirectivesByName()
        - use the QueryAppliedDirective methods instead
        This will return a map of the directives that are immediately on a merged field
        a map of all the directives immediately on this merged field
      • getImmediateAppliedDirectivesByField

        java.util.Map<Field,​java.util.List<QueryAppliedDirective>> getImmediateAppliedDirectivesByField()
        This will return a map of the Fields inside a MergedField and the immediate applied directives that are on each specific field
        a map of all directives on each field inside this
      • getImmediateDirective

        java.util.List<GraphQLDirective> getImmediateDirective​(java.lang.String directiveName)
        - use the QueryAppliedDirective methods instead
        This will return a list of the named directives that are immediately on this merged field. Read above for why this is a list of directives and not just one
        directiveName - the named directive
        a list of the named directives that are immediately on this merged field
      • getImmediateDirectivesByField

        java.util.Map<Field,​java.util.List<GraphQLDirective>> getImmediateDirectivesByField()
        - use the QueryAppliedDirective methods instead
        This will return a map of the Fields inside a MergedField and the immediate directives that are on each specific field
        a map of all directives on each field inside this