Class ValueTraverser

  • @PublicApi
    public class ValueTraverser
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class allows you to traverse a set of input values according to the type system and optional change the values present.

    If you just want to traverse without changing anything, just return the value presented to you and nothing will change.

    If you want to change a value, perhaps in the presence of a directive say on the containing element, then return a new value back in your visitor.

    This class is intended to be used say inside a DataFetcher, allowing you to change the DataFetchingEnvironment.getArguments() say before further processing.

    The values passed in are assumed to be valid and coerced. This classes does not check for non nullness say or the right coerced objects given the type system. This is assumed to have occurred earlier in the graphql validation phase. This also means if you are not careful you can undo the validation that has gone before you. For example, it would be possible to change values that are illegal according to the type system, such as null values for non-nullable types say, so you need to be careful.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ValueTraverser

        public ValueTraverser()
    • Method Detail

      • visitPreOrder

        public static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> visitPreOrder​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> coercedArgumentValues,
                                                                                           GraphQLFieldDefinition fieldDefinition,
                                                                                           ValueVisitor visitor)
        This will visit the arguments of a GraphQLFieldDefinition and if the visitor changes the values, it will return a new set of arguments
        coercedArgumentValues - the starting coerced arguments
        fieldDefinition - the field definition
        visitor - the visitor to use
        the same set of arguments if nothing changes or new ones if the visitor changes anything
      • visitPreOrder

        public static java.lang.Object visitPreOrder​(java.lang.Object coercedArgumentValue,
                                                     GraphQLArgument argument,
                                                     ValueVisitor visitor)
        This will visit a single argument of a GraphQLArgument and if the visitor changes the value, it will return a new argument value

        Note you cannot return the ABSENCE_SENTINEL from this method as its makes no sense to be somehow make the argument disappear. Use visitPreOrder(Map, GraphQLFieldDefinition, ValueVisitor) say to remove arguments in the fields map of arguments.

        coercedArgumentValue - the starting coerced argument value
        argument - the argument definition
        visitor - the visitor to use
        the same value if nothing changes or a new value if the visitor changes anything
      • visitPreOrder

        public static java.lang.Object visitPreOrder​(java.lang.Object coercedArgumentValue,
                                                     GraphQLAppliedDirectiveArgument argument,
                                                     ValueVisitor visitor)
        This will visit a single argument of a GraphQLAppliedDirective and if the visitor changes the value, it will return a new argument value

        Note you cannot return the ABSENCE_SENTINEL from this method as its makes no sense to be somehow make the argument disappear.

        coercedArgumentValue - the starting coerced argument value
        argument - the applied argument
        visitor - the visitor to use
        the same value if nothing changes or a new value if the visitor changes anything