AntlrHelper |
CommentParser |
Contains methods for extracting Comment in various positions within and around Node s
ExtendedBailStrategy |
GraphqlAntlrToLanguage |
MultiSourceReader |
This reader allows you to read N number readers and combine them as one logical reader
however you can then map back to the underlying readers in terms of their source name
and the relative lines numbers.
MultiSourceReader.Builder |
MultiSourceReader.SourceAndLine |
NodeToRuleCapturingParser |
A parser that will capture parsing context data which can be later used for accessing tokens that are discarded
during the conventional parsing process (like comments).
NodeToRuleCapturingParser.ParserContext |
Parser |
This can parse graphql syntax, both Query syntax and Schema Definition Language (SDL) syntax, into an
Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) represented by a Document
ParserEnvironment.Builder |
ParserOptions |
Options that control how the Parser behaves.
ParserOptions.Builder |
SafeTokenReader |
This reader will only emit a maximum number of characters from it.
SafeTokenSource |
This token source can wrap a lexer and if it asks for more than a maximum number of tokens
the user can take some action, typically throw an exception to stop lexing.
StringValueParsing |
Contains parsing code for the StringValue types in the grammar
UnicodeUtil |
Contains Unicode helpers for parsing StringValue types in the grammar