Class SchemaDiff

  • @PublicSpi
    public class SchemaDiff
    extends java.lang.Object
    The SchemaDiff is called with a DiffSet and will report the differences in the graphql schema APIs by raising events to a DifferenceReporter
    • Constructor Detail

      • SchemaDiff

        public SchemaDiff()
        Constructs a differ using default options
      • SchemaDiff

        public SchemaDiff​(SchemaDiff.Options options)
        Constructs a differ with the specified options
        options - the controlling options
    • Method Detail

      • diffSchema

        public int diffSchema​(DiffSet diffSet,
                              DifferenceReporter reporter)
        This will perform a difference on the two schemas. The reporter callback interface will be called when differences are encountered.
        diffSet - the two schemas to compare for difference
        reporter - the place to report difference events to
        the number of API breaking changes
      • diffSchema

        public int diffSchema​(SchemaDiffSet schemaDiffSet,
                              DifferenceReporter reporter)
        This will perform a difference on the two schemas. The reporter callback interface will be called when differences are encountered.
        schemaDiffSet - the two schemas to compare for difference
        reporter - the place to report difference events to
        the number of API breaking changes