Class IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport

  • @PublicApi
    public class IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport
    extends java.lang.Object
    The graphql specification does not allow you to retrieve the directives and their argument values that are present on types, enums, fields and input fields, so this class allows you to change the schema and enhance the Introspection types to contain this information. This allows you to get a directive say like `@example(argName : "someValue")` that is on a field or type at introspection time and act on it. This class takes a predicate that allows you to filter the directives you want to expose to the world. An `appliedDirectives` field is added and this contains extra fields that hold the directives and their applied values. For example the `__Field` type becomes as follows:
          type __Field {
              name: String!
              // other fields ...
              appliedDirectives: [_AppliedDirective!]!   // NEW FIELD
         type _AppliedDirective {                        // NEW INTROSPECTION TYPE
              name: String!
              args: [_DirectiveArgument!]!
          type _DirectiveArgument {                      // NEW INTROSPECTION TYPE
              name: String!
              value: String!
    • Constructor Detail

      • IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport

        public IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport()
        This version lists all directives on a schema element
      • IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport

        public IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport​(IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport.DirectivePredicate directivePredicate)
        This version allows you to filter what directives are listed via the provided predicate
        directivePredicate - the filtering predicate to decide what directives are shown
      • IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport

        public IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport​(IntrospectionWithDirectivesSupport.DirectivePredicate directivePredicate,
                                                  java.lang.String typePrefix)
        This version allows you to filter what directives are listed via the provided predicate Some graphql systems (graphql-js in 2021) cannot cope with extra types starting with `__` so we use a `_` as a prefix by default. You can supply your own prefix via this constructor. See: for more details
        directivePredicate - the filtering predicate to decide what directives are shown
        typePrefix - the prefix to put on the new `AppliedDirectives` type
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        public GraphQLSchema apply​(GraphQLSchema schema)
        This will transform the schema to have the new extension shapes
        schema - the original schema
        the transformed schema with new extension types and fields in it for Introspection