Package graphql

Class Directives

  • @PublicApi
    public class Directives
    extends java.lang.Object
    The directives that are understood by graphql-java
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String NO_LONGER_SUPPORTED
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final DirectiveDefinition DEPRECATED_DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION

        public static final DirectiveDefinition SPECIFIED_BY_DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION
      • DeferDirective

        public static final GraphQLDirective DeferDirective
        The @defer directive can be used to defer sending data for a fragment until later in the query. This is an opt-in directive that is not available unless it is explicitly put into the schema.

        This implementation is based on the state of Defer/Stream PR More specifically at the state of this commit

        The execution behaviour should match what we get from running Apollo Server 4.9.5 with graphql-js v17.0.0-alpha.2

      • DeprecatedDirective

        public static final GraphQLDirective DeprecatedDirective
        The "deprecated" directive is special and is always available in a graphql schema


      • SpecifiedByDirective

        public static final GraphQLDirective SpecifiedByDirective
        The "specifiedBy" directive allows to provide a specification URL for a Scalar
    • Constructor Detail

      • Directives

        public Directives()