Interface IncrementalExecutionResult

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IncrementalExecutionResult
    extends ExecutionResult
    A result that is part of an execution that includes incrementally delivered data (data has been deferred of streamed).

    For example, this query

     query {
       person(id: "cGVvcGxlOjE=") {
         ...HomeWorldFragment @defer(label: "homeWorldDefer")
         films @stream(initialCount: 1, label: "filmsStream") {
     fragment HomeWorldFragment on Person {
       homeWorld {
    Could result on an incremental response with the following payloads (in JSON format here for simplicity).

    Response 1, the initial response does not contain any deferred or streamed results.

       "data": {
         "person": {
           "name": "Luke Skywalker",
           "films": [{ "title": "A New Hope" }]
       "hasNext": true
    Response 2, contains the defer payload and the first stream payload.
       "incremental": [
           "label": "homeWorldDefer",
           "path": ["person"],
           "data": { "homeWorld": { "name": "Tatooine" } }
           "label": "filmsStream",
           "path": ["person", "films", 1],
           "items": [{ "title": "The Empire Strikes Back" }]
       "hasNext": true
    Response 3, contains the final stream payload. Note how "hasNext" is "false", indicating this is the final response.
       "incremental": [
           "label": "filmsStream",
           "path": ["person", "films", 2],
           "items": [{ "title": "Return of the Jedi" }]
       "hasNext": false

    This implementation is based on the state of Defer/Stream PR More specifically at the state of this commit

    The execution behaviour should match what we get from running Apollo Server 4.9.5 with graphql-js v17.0.0-alpha.2

    • Method Detail

      • hasNext

        boolean hasNext()
        Indicates whether there are pending incremental data.
        "true" if there are incremental data, "false" otherwise.
      • getIncremental

        @Nullable java.util.List<IncrementalPayload> getIncremental()
        Returns a list of defer and/or stream payloads that the execution engine decided (for whatever reason) to resolve at the same time as the initial payload.

        (...)this field may appear on both the initial and subsequent values.


        a list of Stream and/or Defer payloads that were resolved at the same time as the initial payload.
      • getIncrementalItemPublisher

        org.reactivestreams.Publisher<DelayedIncrementalPartialResult> getIncrementalItemPublisher()
        This method will return a Publisher of deferred results. No field processing will be done until a Subscriber is attached to this publisher.

        Once a Subscriber is attached the deferred field result processing will be started and published as a series of events.

        a Publisher that clients can subscribe to receive incremental payloads.