
package rest

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. rest
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class Account(billingAndPayment: BillingAndPayment) extends scala.Product with Serializable

  2. case class BillingAndPayment(paymentGateway: PaymentMethod) extends scala.Product with Serializable

  3. class Client extends LazyLogging

  4. case class Error(code: String, message: String) extends scala.Product with Serializable

  5. case class Failure(processId: String, reasons: Seq[Error]) extends Response[Nothing] with scala.Product with Serializable

  6. case class Feature(id: String, featureCode: String) extends scala.Product with Serializable

  7. sealed trait PaymentMethod extends AnyRef

  8. case class PricingSummary(value: Map[Currency, Float]) extends scala.Product with Serializable

  9. case class Product(id: String, name: String, ProductType__c: Option[String], Tier__c: Option[String], productRatePlans: Seq[ProductRatePlan]) extends scala.Product with Serializable

  10. case class ProductCatalog(products: Seq[Product]) extends scala.Product with Serializable

  11. case class ProductRatePlan(id: String, name: String, status: String, productRatePlanCharges: Seq[ProductRatePlanCharge]) extends scala.Product with Serializable

  12. case class ProductRatePlanCharge(id: String, model: String, billingPeriod: Option[String], pricingSummary: List[String]) extends scala.Product with Serializable

  13. case class RatePlan(id: String, productId: String, productRatePlanId: String, productName: String, subscriptionProductFeatures: List[Feature], ratePlanCharges: List[RatePlanCharge]) extends scala.Product with Serializable

  14. case class RatePlanCharge(name: String, id: String, billingPeriod: Option[String], pricingSummary: String, effectiveStartDate: DateTime, effectiveEndDate: DateTime) extends scala.Product with Serializable

  15. sealed trait Response[+T] extends AnyRef

  16. case class Subscription(id: String, subscriptionNumber: String, accountId: String, termStartDate: DateTime, termEndDate: DateTime, contractEffectiveDate: DateTime, customerAcceptanceDate: DateTime, ratePlans: Seq[RatePlan], status: SubscriptionStatus) extends scala.Product with Serializable

  17. sealed trait SubscriptionStatus extends AnyRef

  18. case class Success[T](value: T) extends Response[T] with scala.Product with Serializable

  19. implicit class ZuoraDateTime extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Active extends SubscriptionStatus with scala.Product with Serializable

  2. val AmericaLosAngeles: DateTimeZone

  3. object Cancelled extends SubscriptionStatus with scala.Product with Serializable

  4. object Draft extends SubscriptionStatus with scala.Product with Serializable

  5. val EuropeLondon: DateTimeZone

  6. object Expired extends SubscriptionStatus with scala.Product with Serializable

  7. val FlatFee: String

  8. object GoCardless extends PaymentMethod with scala.Product with Serializable

  9. object PendingAcceptance extends SubscriptionStatus with scala.Product with Serializable

  10. object PendingActivation extends SubscriptionStatus with scala.Product with Serializable

  11. object PricingSummary extends Serializable

  12. object Readers

  13. object Stripe extends PaymentMethod with scala.Product with Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
